Mini Implants - 2025 - LB

Dental Events In commencing  Friday, 28 March, 2025

Email Campaigns

Sending email messages (termed Electronic Direct Mail or eDMs) to dental professionals is a proven effective method of creating awareness of dental education and events.

Dentevents maintains comprehensive lists of email addresses for dental professionals in:

  • Australia; and
  • New Zealand.

Dentevents will deliver your email message to dental professionals for a fee.

Email messages are created using HTML code and can look similar to a webpage, with images and text promoting your event, together with one or more URL links.

For event marketing, it is vital that one of these links connects to a "Register Now" facility to Accept Registrations for your event online.

Email messages are perfect to create awareness for your event and are particularly effective when a call to action is included, for example, when an Early Bird discount is expiring, the event is close to capacity, or the event is about to begin.

The cost to send a single "casual" message to our email database is $990.00. However, the majority of our customers purchase "packs" of emails that reduce the cost significantly. A pack contains 5 or more email campaigns which must be utilised within 18 months of purchase.

eDM Packs can be purchased online at

Instructions for preparing the content of the email message can be downloaded below.

Once prepared, Dentevents will send you a [TEST] email for review. Once approved, the email is scheduled to send at the date and time you specify.

A few days after the email has been sent, you will receive a report including information on number sent, open rate, click thru rate, bounces and opt-outs.

Click to Download the eDM preparation instructions


CONTACT US if you need more information or assistance.