This event has concluded

From: 12:30 PM
Friday, 31 May, 2013
To: 5:00 PM
Friday, 31 May, 2013
Event Details...
This event includes information on the following topics:
The intended audience for this event includes:
The Australian Society of Orthodontists recommends orthodontic assessment for patients around the age of 8 years. Despite this, an assessment of patients in the mixed dentition does not and should not routinely lead to early orthodontic treatment. Such an assessment is a good opportunity to assess the development of the dentition and screen for orthodontic anomalies. Appropriate and timely interception of various orthodontic anomalies can result in favourable outcomes in carefully selected cases. It is important for any treatment modality to be justified from the cost-benefit perspective.
This course will cover and discuss the following orthodontic anomalies through a case-based clinical approach:
- Crossbites
- Ectopic canines
- Appropriate use of space maintenance
- Management strategies for compromised and missing permanent teeth
- The cost-benefit perspective of Class II and Class III interceptive treatment
Orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning will be discussed from the cost-benefit perspective. All attendees will also receive a copy of the Orthodontic Diagnostic Principles (3rd Edition) textbook by Professor Terry Freer and Associate Professor Christopher Ho.
How does this course apply to you?
This clinically relevant course will be very useful for any dentist who treats children and adolescents.
Oral health therapists, dental therapists & dental hygienists
This clinically relevant course will be very useful for any oral health therapist or hygienist wishing to gain further insight into the diagnosis and management of orthodontic anomalies at the interceptive level.
Speakers at this event...

Dr Desmond CV Ong
BDSc (Hons) (Qld), MDSc (Ortho) (Qld), MOrthRCS (Edinburgh), MRACDS (Ortho)
Desmond Ong is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of Orthodontics at the University of Queensland School of Dentistry. Desmond is in fulltime specialist orthodontic private practice in T...
Venue for Event...
University of Queensland Dental School
UQ Oral Health Centre, 288 Herston Road, Herston QLD 4006HERSTON QLD 4006
AUSTRALIA Phone: (07) 3365-8062
Event Organiser...
University of Queensland Dental School
UQ Oral Health Centre, 288 Herston Road, Herston QLD 4006HERSTON QLD 4006
AUSTRALIA Phone: (07) 3365-8062
Speakers at this event...

Dr Desmond CV Ong
BDSc (Hons) (Qld), MDSc (Ortho) (Qld), MOrthRCS (Edinburgh), MRACDS (Ortho)Desmond Ong is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of Orthodontics at the University of Queensland School of Dentistry. Desmond is in fulltime specialist orthodontic private practice in T...