How laser therapy can change your dental practice.
This event has concluded

From: 6:00 PM
Tuesday, 10 November, 2015
To: 9:00 PM
Tuesday, 10 November, 2015
Event Details...
The evening will provide an overview and practical insights into the most recent developments in the use of laser therapy for dentists. Specific treatment solutions will be presented for a range of patient conditions and pathologies. Clinical applications discussed will include oral surgery, restorative, implantology, orthodontics, periodontics, endodontics, TMJ and facial pain as well as everyday dentistry.
Hear why you should use Low Level Laser Therapy and how to integrate it into a modern dental practice.
- How and why of low level laser therapy in dentistry
- Indications for laser therapy – intraoral and orofacial
- Latest research in low level laser therapy (cold lasers)
- Improving treatment results with therapeutic lasers
- General dental applications of laser therapy
- Photo-biomodulation in dentistry.
There is no charge for this evening.
Speakers at this event...

Dr Ambrose K Chan
BDS, MDSc, Dip.Clin.Dent
Presented by Dr Ambrose Chan BDS Hon (Uni.Syd); G Dip Clin Dent (Uni. Syd); MScDent (Uni. Syd); FRACDS; FICD, Australian Association for Laser Dentistry
Dr Chan has been in...
Venue for Event...
Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney
11 Jamison StreetSydney NSW 2000
AUSTRALIA Phone: +61-2-9696-2500
Event Organiser...
Digital Dental Resources Pty Ltd
PO Box 603Paddington QLD 4064
AUSTRALIA Phone: (07) 3103-3373
Speakers at this event...

Dr Ambrose K Chan
BDS, MDSc, Dip.Clin.DentPresented by Dr Ambrose Chan BDS Hon (Uni.Syd); G Dip Clin Dent (Uni. Syd); MScDent (Uni. Syd); FRACDS; FICD, Australian Association for Laser Dentistry
Dr Chan has been in...