Consolidate your Knowledge of All Aspects of Anxiety Relief
This event has concluded
From: 9:00 AM
Friday, 20 November, 2015
To: 5:00 PM
Friday, 20 November, 2015
Event Details...
This event includes information on the following topics:
The intended audience for this event includes:
Many of our patients are quite anxious about seeking and receiving dental treatment. In fact, it may lead to some people avoiding dental care completely until excruciating pain gives them no choice. Dentists should be able to provide alternatives to control a patient's anxiety and to assist them to receive treatment.
This course will cover a spectrum of anxiety relieving alternatives. It will give the caring dentist a selection of anxiolytic techniques that can be offered to their patients including psychosedation, oral sedation and inhalation sedation.
All participants will have the opportunity to administer and experience the full range of effects of relative analgesia using nitrous oxide-oxygen, and after completing the course, will feel confident in setting up and administering this agent.
A review of Basic and Advanced Life support will be undertaken and electromechanical monitoring options will be discussed.
Topics include:
- Application of psychosedation techniques.
- Review of Basic Life Support.
- Review of relevant anatomy.
- Pharmacology of oral and inhalational anxiolytic agents.
- Equipment requirements.
- In-surgery advice: sterilisation, scavenging and safety.
- Administration and monitoring.
- Concerns and contraindications.
- Managing complications.
During the practical session, participants will work in groups and learn both slow and fast nitrous oxide-oxygen induction techniques. It is essential that all participants wishing to perform any procedure on a colleague in a learning environment are registered dental professionals in Australia.
Speakers at this event...
Dr Steven W Parker
BDSc (Hons) (Qld), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Oral Surgery), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Sedation & Pain Control)
Dr Steven Parker completed his Dental degree (with honours) at the University of Queensland in 1985. He has since completed postgraduate diplomas in both oral surgery (Otago University 1997) and se...
Venue for Event...
OHCWA Oral Health Centre of Western Australia
17 Monash AvenueNedlands WA 6009
AUSTRALIA Phone: +61-8-9346-4400
Event Organiser...
Australian Dental Association (WA Branch) Inc.
ADA House54-58 Havelock Street
West Perth WA 6005
AUSTRALIA Phone: (08) 9211-5600
Speakers at this event...
Dr Steven W Parker
BDSc (Hons) (Qld), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Oral Surgery), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Sedation & Pain Control)Dr Steven Parker completed his Dental degree (with honours) at the University of Queensland in 1985. He has since completed postgraduate diplomas in both oral surgery (Otago University 1997) and se...