Treatment Planning - from the Top Down
Victor Harbor, South Australia, AUSTRALIA
This event has concluded
From: 8:00 AM
Friday, 15 April, 2016
To: 3:00 PM
Saturday, 16 April, 2016
Event Details...
This event includes information on the following topics:
The intended audience for this event includes:
This inaugural event is aiming to bring together the best clinicians in the state and beyond to share and show their knowledge in the field of prosthetics and implant dentistry.
A cross section of topics will ensure all aspects of treatment planning will be investigated. The seminar will also feature international speaker Dr Rob Aitken.
From your respected colleagues - local and international
Dental and Implant Industry and Innovation representatives
The holiday destination for South Australia's Fleurieu South Coast - take some time to explore what it has to offer
Speakers at this event...
Dr Robert F Aitken
BDS (Otago)
Rob Aitken received his dental degree from Otago University, in 1969, and after two years as a Dental Registrar at Lower Hutt Hospital, Wellington, went into general practice in Hamilton in the T &...
Dr Alan M Broughton
BDS (Adel), FRACDS, MDS (Prosth) (Adel), FPFA, FICD, FADI, MRACDS (Pros)
Alan Broughton received his BDS from the University of Adelaide in 1978. Following a period of employment with the SA Dental Service, Alan practised as a general dentist for some years in Victoria ...
Dr Erika Vinczer
BScDent (Hons), BDS (Adel), MDSc (Endo), FICD
Dr Erika Vinczer is the Practice owner and Endodontist at Endodontic Solutions. The practice aims to provide a positive customer experience through the core values of commitment to quality, trust, ...
Venue for Event...
McCracken Country Club
McCracken DriveVictor Harbor SA 5211
AUSTRALIA Phone: +61-8-8551-0200
Event Organiser...
Australasian Osseointegration Society
AOS Administratorc/o 264 North Terrace
AUSTRALIA Phone: (08) 8223-6309
Speakers at this event...
Dr Robert F Aitken
BDS (Otago)Rob Aitken received his dental degree from Otago University, in 1969, and after two years as a Dental Registrar at Lower Hutt Hospital, Wellington, went into general practice in Hamilton in the T &...
Dr Alan M Broughton
BDS (Adel), FRACDS, MDS (Prosth) (Adel), FPFA, FICD, FADI, MRACDS (Pros)Alan Broughton received his BDS from the University of Adelaide in 1978. Following a period of employment with the SA Dental Service, Alan practised as a general dentist for some years in Victoria ...
Dr Erika Vinczer
BScDent (Hons), BDS (Adel), MDSc (Endo), FICDDr Erika Vinczer is the Practice owner and Endodontist at Endodontic Solutions. The practice aims to provide a positive customer experience through the core values of commitment to quality, trust, ...