To be or not to be, should we save this tooth or place an implant?
This event has concluded

From: 9:00 AM
Saturday, 26 May, 2018
To: 4:30 PM
Saturday, 26 May, 2018
Event Details...
This event includes information on the following topics:
The intended audience for this event includes:
This one day course will be a stimulating conversation in treatment planning between specialist endodontist Alan Nerwich and restorative dentist Nick Hocking. The day will be spent hearing Alan and Nick treatment plan numerous complex scenarios, real life scenarios where genuine records and radiographs will be discussed and ideal and compromised treatment plans are created. This will be a day of combined lectures and case presentations. Ample opportunity will be given for interaction with the presenters and delegates are encouraged to bring their own troubling cases in for discussion.
By the end of this day you will be more confident in approaching every day treatment planning issues regarding the compromised tooth.
Participants should ensure that they have suitably de-identified the records, including any images, for the cases they bring along for discussion.
Topics include
- Success and failure of endodontics and implants.
- The compromised tooth
- The Patient
- Advanced diagnostic tools including CBVT radiology and provisional restorations.
- Site and occlusal issues.
- Management of cracks.
- Endodontic retreatment
- Restorability
- Surgery - periapical surgery and implant surgery
Learning Objectives
To enable the participant to utilise specialists in their treatment planning process and to make improved evidence based and practical decisions involving the patient in the treatment plan for informed consent.
Speakers at this event...

Dr Nick Hocking
BDS (Adel), MSc (Lond), MClinDent (Pros) (Lond), FICD, FPFA
Nick completed his Bachelor of Dental Surgery at Adelaide University before moving to London where he acquired his MSc with distinction in Conservative Dentistry and his MClinDent in Prosthodontics...

Venue for Event...
ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development
1 Atchison StreetST LEONARDS NSW 2065
AUSTRALIA Phone: (02) 8436-9997
Event Organiser...
ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development
1 Atchison StreetST LEONARDS NSW 2065
AUSTRALIA Phone: (02) 8436-9997
Speakers at this event...

Dr Nick Hocking
BDS (Adel), MSc (Lond), MClinDent (Pros) (Lond), FICD, FPFANick completed his Bachelor of Dental Surgery at Adelaide University before moving to London where he acquired his MSc with distinction in Conservative Dentistry and his MClinDent in Prosthodontics...