Get the most out of your restorative materials and achieve high aesthetics in any situation.
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
This event has concluded

From: 6:30 PM
Wednesday, 24 July, 2019
To: 8:30 PM
Wednesday, 24 July, 2019
Event Details...
So you’ve produced your restoration using the latest and greatest in CAD-CAM workflows but the last step that is missing can undo all that work. That last step is finishing. Attendees to this event will learn how new as well as tried and true methods can enhance the aesthetics of your digitally produced restorations.
The CAD-CAM process from scanning, designing and milling will be covered before Mr. Peter Pizzi will walk you through producing highly aesthetic restorations.
He demonstrates this through an easy-to-follow session that will feature expert staining, glazing and finishing in any situation, Chairside or Laboratory.
This is suitable for all Dentists, specialists or technicians of any skill level and experience.
Speakers at this event...

Mr Peter Pizzi
Mr Peter Pizzi CDT, MDT (USA)
As an educator of dental technology and operatory procedures, Peter has found an easy transition into the
lecture/clinician circuit. His personal appreciatio...
Venue for Event...
XYZ Dental
8/52 Bakers RoadCoburg North VIC 3058
AUSTRALIA Phone: (03) 8358-5100
Event Organiser...
XYZ Dental
8/52 Bakers RoadCoburg North VIC 3058
AUSTRALIA Phone: (03) 8358-5100
Speakers at this event...

Mr Peter Pizzi
CDT, MDT (USA)Mr Peter Pizzi CDT, MDT (USA)
As an educator of dental technology and operatory procedures, Peter has found an easy transition into the
lecture/clinician circuit. His personal appreciatio...