Regional Conference
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
This event has concluded
From: 9:00 AM
Saturday, 3 November, 2018
To: 5:00 PM
Saturday, 3 November, 2018
Event Details...
This event includes information on the following topics:
The intended audience for this event includes:
This is a day about aesthetics of the smile and the face and how to deliver treatment it in an ethical and predictable way. The pitfalls of treating high demand patients will be discussed as well as ways to diminish the chance to end up with an unhappy patient.
Assessing patients' aesthetic desires?
Presented by Professor David Castle
This lecture aims to review body image concerns in the context of cosmetic procedures and to alert clinicians as to features of individuals that might suggest a poor psychological outcome following such procedures.
At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Recognise people of high risk of a poor psychological outcome following corrective procedures
- Identify risk factors in this regard
- Apply screening procedures for such risk factors in cosmetic settings.
What is my obligation at law, when it comes to obtaining a patient consent to treatment?
Presented by Ms Kellie Dell'Oro
How do I ensure I have a patient's informed consent and satisfy my legal obligation?
At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Recognise the scope of the legal obligation
- Understand the consequences of not obtaining valid consent with reference to case scenarios.
Smile design golden rules and Direct veneers – the keys to success
Presented by Dr Terry Wong
Recent times have seen an increasing demand from our patients on ways to achieve a better smile. To meet these demands, the dentist should have a basic understanding of what should constitute an aesthetic smile. Direct veneers that involve minimal preparation of teeth have a place as an aesthetic treatment option.
At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Identify the key elements of an aesthetic smile
- Make appropriate shade selection
- Manipulate resin to achieve aesthetic outcomes
- Increase case acceptance of aesthetic dentistry
Indirect veneers – the keys to success, complex aesthetic cases and Managing expectations and delivering results
Presented by Dr Andrew Dillon
These two presentation will address how to set-up the veneer case for success by addressing design, preparation, bonding and occlusal considerations. We will look at diagnosis and treatment planning the aesthetic case based on risk assessment, from dealing with a single tooth only to full mouth rehabilitation.
At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Diagnose and treat complex aesthetic cases
- Implement the key factors to achieve veneer success
Botox/fillers – new frontiers in bear country
Presenter TBA.
Speakers at this event...

Prof David J Castle
Professor David Castle is Professor of Psychiatry at St Vincent’s Health and The University of Melbourne. His clinical and research interests include schizophrenia and related disorders, cann...

Dr Terry Wong
BSc (Hons) (Melb), BDSc (Melb)
Dr Terry Wong lectures internationally on the topic of composite resin restorations.
Presently, Dr Wong lectures at Melbourne University on the topic of Aesthetic Dentistry and conducts han...

Venue for Event...
Pan Pacific Melbourne
2 Convention Centre PlaceSouth Wharf VIC 3006
AUSTRALIA Phone: +61-3-9027-2000
Event Organiser...
Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch Inc
Level 310 Yarra Street
South Yarra VIC 3141
AUSTRALIA Phone: +61388254600
Speakers at this event...

Prof David J Castle
MBBSProfessor David Castle is Professor of Psychiatry at St Vincent’s Health and The University of Melbourne. His clinical and research interests include schizophrenia and related disorders, cann...

Dr Terry Wong
BSc (Hons) (Melb), BDSc (Melb)Dr Terry Wong lectures internationally on the topic of composite resin restorations.
Presently, Dr Wong lectures at Melbourne University on the topic of Aesthetic Dentistry and conducts han...