Dental prophylaxis and periodontal disease management training
This event has concluded

From: 9:00 AM
Saturday, 9 November, 2019
To: 3:30 PM
Saturday, 9 November, 2019
Event Details...
This event includes information on the following topics:
The intended audience for this event includes:
Are you ready to shift your paradigms to include Guided Biofilm Therapy as your approach for preventive and periodontal maintenance treatment? If so, this CPD is for you!
Aimed at the whole dental team to discuss the most modern, gentle and cost-effective techniques available for periodontal and implant maintenance. Participants will discover Guided Biofilm Therapy [GBT] and learn why it integrates with the modern concept of preventive and minimally invasive dentistry. Key topics include: how to make periodontal treatments more effective and more enjoyable to you, your patients and dental practice.
Periodontal Disease
- Understanding biofilm and its effects
- The 8 Steps of Guided Biofilm Therapy for professional biofilm management
- Effectiveness of Guided Biofilm Therapy compared to conventional methods for preventative therapy, maintenance, and periodontal treatment
- Current periodontal disease classifications and understanding CAL
- AIRFLOW® - indications and Benefits
Implant Disease
- How to best care for implants
- Recommended routine maintenance protocol
- Identifying mucositis and peri Implantitis
- Treating non-surgical mucositis and peri Implantitis with GBT/AIRFLOW
This workshop is the ideal platform for dental professionals wanting to perfect themselves. Participants will have an opportunity to follow the complete Guided Biofilm Therapy protocol step-by-step clinically on one another in the clinic chair (participants must be comfortable to work on one another). Dental professionals will learn to maximize efficiency and patient comfort.
Learn how to:
- Correctly utilise supra and subgingival air polishing devices to eliminate biofilm prior to hard deposit removal
- Correctly apply ultrasonic instrumentation for optimal hard deposit removal
Speakers at this event...

Dr Chris Barker
BDS (Adel), DClinDent (Perio) (Griffith), FRACDS
Dr Christopher Barker graduated from dental school at the University of Adelaide in 2004 and in 2005 was awarded First Class Honours for completion of an honours research program. In 2014, Dr Barke...
Venue for Event...
The James Steet Dentists - Education Centre
151 Robertson StreetFortitude Valley Qld 4006
AUSTRALIA Phone: 07 32571577
Event Organiser...
Henry Schein
Building 3, Level 6189 O'Riordan Street
Mascot NSW 2020
AUSTRALIA Phone: (02) 9697-6288
Speakers at this event...

Dr Chris Barker
BDS (Adel), DClinDent (Perio) (Griffith), FRACDSDr Christopher Barker graduated from dental school at the University of Adelaide in 2004 and in 2005 was awarded First Class Honours for completion of an honours research program. In 2014, Dr Barke...