What you need to know to work successfully in an aged care facility or with frail elderly patients
This event has concluded

From: 1:00 PM
Friday, 26 September, 2014
To: 5:00 PM
Friday, 26 September, 2014
Event Details...
Following three successful workshops on the Oral Health of Older Australians, The Centre for Education and Ageing, at the Concord Clinical School of the University of Sydney and the Department of Aged Care and Rehabilitation at Concord Hospital is responding to requests for a series of clinically-based seminars for dental personnel on managing the oral health care of medically compromised older people and those in residential aged care facilities.
This program will provide an overview to understanding medically compromised older patients from the perspective of a consultant geriatrician, and a series of case histories presented for discussion and analysis, by dentists providing care in hospital, residential care and private dental practice settings.
A discussion session will follow which will provide a forum for experiences of general dental practitioners providing domiciliary dental care to residential aged care facilities. Finally the program will provide an overview of the role prevention and carer education can play in maintaining oral health for frail elderly and those in residential facilities.
On completion of the program participants should have a clear view of what risk factors are important in dental care for frail elderly people, what oral health care can be delivered in domiciliary settings, when and how referral for specialist clinical care can be best achieved and how preventive programs can be effective in maintaining good oral health for those with compromised general health.
Speakers at this event...

Dr Alan A Deutsch
BDSDr Alan Deutsch is a general dental practitioner in Sydney and consultant to the Montefi ore Nursing Homes. He is a member of the Oral Health Reference Group, Centre for Research and Education on Agei...

Dr Avanti P Karve
BDS, MHSc (Dev Dis), DClinDent (SND), MRACDS (SND), FRACDS
As a Special Needs Dentist, Avanti is proud to be the first graduate of the Doctor of Clinical Dentistry Program (Special Care Dentistry) with the University of Sydney.
She works as a Staff...

Ms Jayne C Braunsteiner
BOHMs Jayne Braunsteiner has been involved in the oral health field for the last 30 years, initially working as a Dental Therapist for South East Area Health region. She completed her Bachelor of Oral He...

Dr John F Linsley
BDSDr John Linsley graduated in Dental Surgery from the University of Sydney in 1978. He was appointed a VDO at Concord Hospital in 1988, a position he has held since that time. Over the last 10 years he...

Dr Peter Foltyn
Dr Peter Foltyn has been a consultant dentist at Sydney’s St Vincent’s Hospital for 35 years. Under his guidance the Dental Department has been actively involved in the management of oral healt...

Steven Chu
Mr Steven Chu has a BSc in Pharmacology & Toxicology and a B Health Sc (Dental Therapy) from the University of Otago and a BOH Newcastle. He is a registered dental hygienist and oral therapist. Steven...

Dr Clive Wright
Professor Clive Wright graduated BDS (Otago) and completed an MDS and PhD also at the University of Otago. Between 1989 and 1997 he was Professor of Preventive and Community Dentistry, and Head of ...
Venue for Event...
ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development
1 Atchison StreetST LEONARDS NSW 2065
AUSTRALIA Phone: (02) 8436-9997
Event Organiser...
ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development
1 Atchison StreetST LEONARDS NSW 2065
AUSTRALIA Phone: (02) 8436-9997
Speakers at this event...

Dr Alan A Deutsch
BDSDr Alan Deutsch is a general dental practitioner in Sydney and consultant to the Montefi ore Nursing Homes. He is a member of the Oral Health Reference Group, Centre for Research and Education on Agei...

Dr Avanti P Karve
BDS, MHSc (Dev Dis), DClinDent (SND), MRACDS (SND), FRACDSAs a Special Needs Dentist, Avanti is proud to be the first graduate of the Doctor of Clinical Dentistry Program (Special Care Dentistry) with the University of Sydney.
She works as a Staff...

Ms Jayne C Braunsteiner
BOHMs Jayne Braunsteiner has been involved in the oral health field for the last 30 years, initially working as a Dental Therapist for South East Area Health region. She completed her Bachelor of Oral He...

Dr John F Linsley
BDSDr John Linsley graduated in Dental Surgery from the University of Sydney in 1978. He was appointed a VDO at Concord Hospital in 1988, a position he has held since that time. Over the last 10 years he...

Dr Peter Foltyn
BDSDr Peter Foltyn has been a consultant dentist at Sydney’s St Vincent’s Hospital for 35 years. Under his guidance the Dental Department has been actively involved in the management of oral healt...

Steven Chu
Mr Steven Chu has a BSc in Pharmacology & Toxicology and a B Health Sc (Dental Therapy) from the University of Otago and a BOH Newcastle. He is a registered dental hygienist and oral therapist. Steven...

Dr Clive Wright
BDS, MDS, PhDProfessor Clive Wright graduated BDS (Otago) and completed an MDS and PhD also at the University of Otago. Between 1989 and 1997 he was Professor of Preventive and Community Dentistry, and Head of ...