This event has concluded
From: 9:00 AM
Saturday, 17 February, 2024
To: 5:00 PM
Saturday, 17 February, 2024
Event Details...
This course is designed to give the participant knowledge about how lasers are produced, utilised and safety aspects of Lasers – pertaining to all types of lasers. This course has been registered with Queensland, Perth and Tasmania radiation health to certify the participant has qualified to register to use a laser and/or has completed the laser safety course in order to be present/participate in providing ancillary care whilst a laser is being utilised, as in accordance with AS/NZS 4173:2018.
The course will cover what a laser is, how the energy is used to produce various effects on tissues and what safety considerations are involved in laser use. The course will also cover dental clinical applications of lasers, relating to both hard and soft tissue lasers.
Course Objectives
Once completed, the participant will be able to...
- Understand how laser energy is generated
- Understand how laser energy interacts with human tissue
- Understand how to apply this energy therapeutically
- Understand the safety implications of lasers and how to manage hazards
- Understand the engineering and administrative controls and how to implement them in the workplace
Those who wish to certify for laser use will need to pass a short exam after the theory component of the presentation is complete.
Speakers at this event...

Dr Lan PD Tran
BDSc (Qld)
- Graduated University of Queensland 1995.
- Special interest in Cosmetic Dentistry, Conservative and Minimally Invasive Dentistry
- Past member of Listerine Preventive Dentistry ...
Venue for Event...
Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport
Corner O'Riordan and Robey StreetsMascot NSW 2020
AUSTRALIA Phone: +61-2-9317-2200
Event Organiser...
Osseo Dental Pty Ltd
U472 Slough Avenue
Silverwater NSW 2128
AUSTRALIA Freecall:1300-029-383
Speakers at this event...

Dr Lan PD Tran
BDSc (Qld)- Graduated University of Queensland 1995.
- Special interest in Cosmetic Dentistry, Conservative and Minimally Invasive Dentistry
- Past member of Listerine Preventive Dentistry ...