IOS24 - Leaderboard - NZ


From: 1:00 PM

Friday, 30 August, 2024

To: 5:00 PM

Friday, 30 August, 2024



Event Details...

This half day course will give you an understanding on the theoretical underpinning of orthodontic removable appliances as well as examples in using them clinically. You will be offered an insight on the clinical side of removable appliances as well as the laboratory side from receiving an impression or scan to the production of an appliance. Topics covered will include:

  1. How to recognise cases suitable for using removable appliances
  2. How do these appliances work?
  3. How to prescribe the correct removable appliance
  4. What do I put in the laboratory slip?
  5. How do I correct and identify issues with the appliance

A variety of different appliances will be discussed along with different clinical examples using said appliances to reinforce the clinical aspect.

Attendees are welcome to bring their own cases to discuss in a group setting to learn from each other and demonstrate the lecture topics taught.

Speakers at this event...

More info

Dr Gordon CY Cheung

BDSc (WA), BScD (Hons) (WA), DClinDent (Ortho) (Syd), MRACDS (Ortho)

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Dr Laura K Leask

BDSc (Hons) (WA), DClinDent (Ortho) (Syd), MRACDS (Ortho)

Venue for Event...

Event Organiser...

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Speakers at this event...

Dr Gordon CY Cheung

BDSc (WA), BScD (Hons) (WA), DClinDent (Ortho) (Syd), MRACDS (Ortho)

More info

Dr Laura K Leask

BDSc (Hons) (WA), DClinDent (Ortho) (Syd), MRACDS (Ortho)

More info