Direct and indirect approach
From: 9:00 AM Thursday, 30 November, 2023
Registration opens at 8:30 AM
To: 5:00 PM Friday, 1 December, 2023
The course is divided into two days – the first day is a lecture focusing on theoretical understanding, and the second day will be devoted to hands-on training. The overall aim is to clear up any doubts participants may have regarding the correct restorative approach for the treatment of the anterior area, from simple cases to the most complex rehabilitations with a multi-disciplinary approach.
9.00 - 17.00 • Session 1
- Lecture
- ONLY 8 Places
- 7.00 CPD Points
- More Info
Speakers: Dr Daniele Gensini, Dr Roberto Turrini
Part one: Direct Anterior Restorations
The use of composite direct restorations in the anterior area is a valid treatment option and alternative to improve aesthetics, function and biology.
The modern materials, together with valid bonding systems, allow the clinicians to perform well integrated, aesthetic results that mimic the optic and physical behaviour of the natural dentition.
Any aspect of the decision-making process and operative procedures will be covered to allow the participants to realise high-impact direct composite restorations.
- Anterior elements anatomy
- Optical properties of dental elements and composites
- Direct vs indirect anterior restorations: how to choose
- Different composite systems and characteristics
- Wax up for direct anterior restorations
- Palatal and sagittal silicone index
- Multiple convexity matrices in the anterior area
- Essential instruments in anterior direct restorations
- The use of rubber dam for a perfect isolation in any situation: instruments and techniques
- Preparation principles of anterior elements in direct restorative procedures
- Basics of adhesion for direct anterior restorations.
- Layering technique (simplified, ibride, complex)
- Stains and their correct use
- Finishing, polishing and glossing
- Direct therapies in non-vital discoloured teeth
Part two: Indirect Anterior Restorations
The use of all-ceramic veneers represents a valid alternative to complete crown restorations.
The minimally invasive tooth preparation procedure allows the maximum preservation of health tooth structure thus guaranteeing vitality and higher overall resistance of restoration also thanks to the undeniable advantages offered by the adhesive cementation technique. Nowadays a new clinical approach based on an innovative minimally invasive prosthetic procedure (MIPP) also applicable to full crown restorations allows preservation of vitality and tooth structure. The availability of a wide range of ceramic material permits the achievement of excellent, long lasting aesthetic results mixed rehabilitation on implants.
This prosthetic treatment workflow starts with an aesthetic and functional plan which allows an ideal integration of aesthetics, biological and functional requirements. Classical and new digital trends will be analysed in depth in order to reach the final goal.
- How to approach the aesthetic case
- First visit and decisional scheme
- How to use dental photography in anterior cases
- How to communicate to the patients using images
- Aesthetic analysis
- Mock-up materials and techniques
- Classical and Modern principles of tooth preparation
- Margins: supragingival, juxtagingival, intrasulcular, subgingival
- Minimally invasive tooth preparation (MIPP): new trend in prosthetic adhesive dentistry
- No-prep veneers: myth or reality?
- Colour matching in indirect anterior restorations and communication to the lab
- Impressions: materials and techniques
- Classical vs digital impressions: comparison, indications and limitations of both systems
- Provisionals for indirect anterior restorations: materials and techniques
- Materials choice: classification of all-ceramic systems
- How to choose the right lithium disilicate ingot
- Discoloured anterior teeth management
- What’s new? Bleach & Prosthetic workflow️
- Basics of adhesion
- Step by step cementation for different materials
- Which cement?
- Occlusal check: how to detect occlusal wrong contacts and how to remove them
- Maintenance of indirect anterior restorations
- Common mistakes and failures: when and how to prevent them?
- Worn dentition and its management using minimally invasive prosthetic procedures
9.00 - 17.00 • Session 2
- Hands-on Workshop
- ONLY 5 Places
- 6.50 CPD Points
- More Info
Hands-on Workshop
Speakers: Dr Daniele Gensini, Dr Roberto Turrini
Part one: Direct Anterior Restorations
The participants will realise a correct isolation on the models using rubber dam, and they will create a IV class direct restoration on the same model. Then the participants will build up of a central incisor entirely in composite, using a silicone matrix provided by the organisers.
Part two: Indirect Anterior Restorations
The participants will create and customise a silicone index designed for the mock up and different silicones for preparation checking and measurements. They will also perform different preparation designs (contact point maintained and not maintained, chamfer, butt-joint...). Then print and finish the mock-up to be used as temporary restorations following the 6-anterior ideal dental composition.
9.00 - 17.00 • Session 1
Speakers: Dr Daniele Gensini, Dr Roberto Turrini
- Lecture
- ONLY 8 Places
- 7.00 CPD Points
Part one: Direct Anterior Restorations
The use of composite direct restorations in the anterior area is a valid treatment option and alternative to improve aesthetics, function and biology.
The modern materials, together with valid bonding systems, allow the clinicians to perform well integrated, aesthetic results that mimic the optic and physical behaviour of the natural dentition.
Any aspect of the decision-making process and operative procedures will be covered to allow the participants to realise high-impact direct composite restorations.
- Anterior elements anatomy
- Optical properties of dental elements and composites
- Direct vs indirect anterior restorations: how to choose
- Different composite systems and characteristics
- Wax up for direct anterior restorations
- Palatal and sagittal silicone index
- Multiple convexity matrices in the anterior area
- Essential instruments in anterior direct restorations
- The use of rubber dam for a perfect isolation in any situation: instruments and techniques
- Preparation principles of anterior elements in direct restorative procedures
- Basics of adhesion for direct anterior restorations.
- Layering technique (simplified, ibride, complex)
- Stains and their correct use
- Finishing, polishing and glossing
- Direct therapies in non-vital discoloured teeth
Part two: Indirect Anterior Restorations
The use of all-ceramic veneers represents a valid alternative to complete crown restorations.
The minimally invasive tooth preparation procedure allows the maximum preservation of health tooth structure thus guaranteeing vitality and higher overall resistance of restoration also thanks to the undeniable advantages offered by the adhesive cementation technique. Nowadays a new clinical approach based on an innovative minimally invasive prosthetic procedure (MIPP) also applicable to full crown restorations allows preservation of vitality and tooth structure. The availability of a wide range of ceramic material permits the achievement of excellent, long lasting aesthetic results mixed rehabilitation on implants.
This prosthetic treatment workflow starts with an aesthetic and functional plan which allows an ideal integration of aesthetics, biological and functional requirements. Classical and new digital trends will be analysed in depth in order to reach the final goal.
- How to approach the aesthetic case
- First visit and decisional scheme
- How to use dental photography in anterior cases
- How to communicate to the patients using images
- Aesthetic analysis
- Mock-up materials and techniques
- Classical and Modern principles of tooth preparation
- Margins: supragingival, juxtagingival, intrasulcular, subgingival
- Minimally invasive tooth preparation (MIPP): new trend in prosthetic adhesive dentistry
- No-prep veneers: myth or reality?
- Colour matching in indirect anterior restorations and communication to the lab
- Impressions: materials and techniques
- Classical vs digital impressions: comparison, indications and limitations of both systems
- Provisionals for indirect anterior restorations: materials and techniques
- Materials choice: classification of all-ceramic systems
- How to choose the right lithium disilicate ingot
- Discoloured anterior teeth management
- What’s new? Bleach & Prosthetic workflow️
- Basics of adhesion
- Step by step cementation for different materials
- Which cement?
- Occlusal check: how to detect occlusal wrong contacts and how to remove them
- Maintenance of indirect anterior restorations
- Common mistakes and failures: when and how to prevent them?
- Worn dentition and its management using minimally invasive prosthetic procedures
9.00 - 17.00 • Session 2
Hands-on Workshop
Speakers: Dr Daniele Gensini, Dr Roberto Turrini
- Hands-on Workshop
- ONLY 5 Places
- 6.50 CPD Points
Part one: Direct Anterior Restorations
The participants will realise a correct isolation on the models using rubber dam, and they will create a IV class direct restoration on the same model. Then the participants will build up of a central incisor entirely in composite, using a silicone matrix provided by the organisers.
Part two: Indirect Anterior Restorations
The participants will create and customise a silicone index designed for the mock up and different silicones for preparation checking and measurements. They will also perform different preparation designs (contact point maintained and not maintained, chamfer, butt-joint...). Then print and finish the mock-up to be used as temporary restorations following the 6-anterior ideal dental composition.
Dr Daniele Gensini
Graduated in Dentistry cum laude from Universityof Siena in 2004, acting there for 3 years as tutor inthe Prosthodontics Department directed by Prof.Andrea Borracchini.Attended many courses in Ital...
Dr Roberto Turrini
Dr Roberto Turrini graduated in Dentistry at the University of Florence in 2004. Since 2005 he has been working as a collaborator in Dr. Mauro Fradeani’s office in Pesaro, Italy.
He ha...
Cancellation Policy
Late cancellation fee applies. Fees will be fully refundable if registrant cancels 30 days or more prior to the lecture.
50% refund will be given for cancellations between 14 and 30 days prior to the lecture.
No refunds will be given if cancellation is received with less than 14 days' notice.
Please note that your place is NOT confirmed until full payment received and confirmation sent. Please do not book flights or accommodation until confirmation is received.
Lecture Only
- Full Program
- AUD 654.50
- Including 10% GST
- Early Bird Discount
- Less AUD 110.00
- Expired
Hands-on Workshop add on
- Full Program
- AUD 1644.50
- Including 10% GST
- Early Bird Discount
- Less AUD 220.00
- Expired