From: 8:30 AM Thursday, 23 July, 2015
To: 6:00 PM Saturday, 25 July, 2015
The intended audience for this event includes:
Fifty years of osseointegration has rehabilitated millions of patients world wide. It is now impossible to imagine dental practice without the option of an implant solution. Fifty years has generated an immense amount of data, literature, clinical experience, dogma and opinion. We have invited some of the finest minds in implant dentistry to speak at this conference. Minds with enormous experience both clinically and academically to dissect, clarify and distill down to the best evidence for our clinical decisions, practice and long term success. Be prepared for stimulating, thought provoking and ultimately clinically useful, state-of-the-art presentations on all aspects of osseointegration for the entire team.
See you in Sydney!

Dr Michael J Danesh-Meyer
BDS (Otago), MDS (Perio) (Otago), MRACDS (Perio)
Dr Michael Danesh-Meyer is a registered specialist in periodontics and dental implants and returned to New Zealand in 2000 following two years in the USA where he was Clinical Assistant Professor i...

Dr Glen J Liddelow
BDSc (WA), MScD (WA), DClinDent (Pros) (Syd), MRACDS (Pros), FPFA, FICD, FRACDS
Clinical A/Prof. Glen Liddelow is a Specialist Prosthodontist at the Brånemark Center in West Perth and the Director of the Branemark Center Osseointegration training program in dental implants. G...

Dr Jeffrey Ganeles
Dr Ganeles is a Clinical Associate Professor at Nova Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine and maintains full-time practice at the Florida Center for Periodontics & Implant ...

Dr Stefan Holst
Dr Holst studied dentistry at the Medical University of Hanover and obtained his doctorate in 2000 with the title of Dr. med. dent. From 2000 to 2001, he attended a postgraduate program in the Departm...

Dr Torsten Jemt
Co-founder of the Brånemark Clinic in Gothenburg, Dr Jemt worked alongside Professor P-I Brånemark developing CAD/CAM titanium frameworks and single implant abutments. He lectures worldwide and h...

Dr Joseph Kan
Dr Kan is currently a Professor at the Loma Linda University School of Dentistry. He has published over 50 articles in journals and chapters in textbooks with an emphasis on tissue management and a...

Dr Burton Langer
Dr Langer pioneered new modalities of therapy, including the early re-entry procedure for bone grafts, the ridge augmentation procedure, the subepithelial connective tissue graft and various flap p...

Dr Laureen Langer
Dr Langer has lectured extensively and published in numerous dental Journals and textbooks on the subject of periodontal surgery, gingival recession and implants. She is a Diplomate of the American...

Dr Jay Malmquist
A Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr Malmquist has been performing implant surgery for the past 36 years. He has written multiple articles and abstracts on bone g...

Dr Peter Wörhle
Dr Wörhle is respected as one of few clinicians with formal training in the areas of implant surgery, implant prosthodontics and implant laboratory technology. He co-developed the concept of Immed...