IOS24 - Leaderboard - NZ


From: 6:00 PM

Wednesday, 20 November, 2024

To: 8:00 PM

Wednesday, 20 November, 2024



Event Details...

Dental professionals are often unfamiliar with the radiological appearances of these lesions, especially if the teeth are not involved.

This presentation demonstrates the radiological features of lesions of the mandible and maxilla and describes the differentiating features of these lesions.

The seminar content will cover the below points and include case specific scenarios.

  • Understand the basic features of benign and malignant lesions on panoramic imaging.
  • Familiarity with the descriptive terms used in radiology reports when describing jaw lesions.
  • Learn the limitations of panoramic imaging in diagnosing jaw lesions.
  • Appreciate when further imaging is required and which imaging technique to utilise.

Speakers at this event...

More info

Dr Sarah Constantine

MB BS (Adel), FRANZCR, PhD (Dent)

Dr Constantine is a specialist radiologist.

She obtained her MB BS from University of Adelaide in 1998 and was awarded FRANZCR in 2005. Dr Constantine undertook a fellowship in Perinatal Ima...

Venue for Event...

Event Organiser...

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Speakers at this event...

Dr Sarah Constantine

MB BS (Adel), FRANZCR, PhD (Dent)

Dr Constantine is a specialist radiologist.

She obtained her MB BS from University of Adelaide in 1998 and was awarded FRANZCR in 2005. Dr Constantine undertook a fellowship in Perinatal Ima...

More info