Bowen Hills, AUSTRALIA
This event has concluded
From: 8:00 AM
Friday, 15 April, 2016
To: 5:00 PM
Friday, 15 April, 2016
Event Details...
This event includes information on the following topics:
The intended audience for this event includes:
This course is designed to provide participants with additional knowledge and skills in minor oral surgery.
Comprehensive patient examination, diagnosis and treatment planning will be addressed, and a range of practical exercises undertaken. Drainage of intra-oral collections, tooth sectioning and elevation, difficult
wisdom tooth removal, flap design and suturing. It is designed to instil surgical confidence in a practical atmosphere. The course will also include discussion of complications and possible adverse outcomes.
Participants will use specialised Maxillary and Mandibular Anatomical Models which reliably reflect normal anatomy and allow dissection, bone removal sectioning and flap repair and can be kept for future reference on completion of the course.
Speakers at this event...
Dr John A Cosson
BDSc (Melb), MB BS (Flinders), FRACDS (OMS)
Dr Cosson currently lectures for the Australasian College of Surgeons teaching trainee general and specialist surgeons in early management of severe trauma (EMST) and care of critically ill surgica...
Dr Edward JH Hsu
Dr Edward Hsu obtained his dental qualification with honours from the UQ in 1999 and medical qualification also from UQ in 2003. Following advanced surgical training rotating through most of the ma...
Venue for Event...
ADAQ CPD and Training Centre
CPD & Training Centre26-28 Hamilton Place
Bowen Hills QLD 4006
AUSTRALIA Phone: (07) 3251-2160
Event Organiser...
Australian Dental Association (Qld Branch)
26-28 Hamilton PlaceBowen Hills QLD 4006
AUSTRALIA Phone: (07) 3252-9866
Speakers at this event...
Dr John A Cosson
BDSc (Melb), MB BS (Flinders), FRACDS (OMS)Dr Cosson currently lectures for the Australasian College of Surgeons teaching trainee general and specialist surgeons in early management of severe trauma (EMST) and care of critically ill surgica...
Dr Edward JH Hsu
BDSc (Hon), MB BS, FRACDS (OMS)Dr Edward Hsu obtained his dental qualification with honours from the UQ in 1999 and medical qualification also from UQ in 2003. Following advanced surgical training rotating through most of the ma...