Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

This event has concluded

From: 9:00 AM

Tuesday, 22 May, 2018

To: 5:00 PM

Tuesday, 22 May, 2018


Event Details...

This event includes information on the following topics:

The intended audience for this event includes:

Resin bonded bridges have been extensively used to replace missing teeth for many years. Historically, problems with de-bonding of retainers led to the perception that they should only be used as temporary replacements. If, however, a few simple criteria are applied, these bridges can approach the success rates of dental implants.

In this course, Melbourne prosthodontists will explain their philosophy through a series of lectures and hands-on exercises. Both the history and science of this technique will be presented. Delegates will have ample opportunity to converse with the presenters about treatment planning and execution of fixed tooth replacement in their patients. The hands-on exercises will follow the process from planning to delivery.

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Recognise cases where adhesive bridgework would be an appropriate treatment option
  • Understand the parameters that are important in bridge design and clinical management
  • Perform the clinical procedures, including tooth preparation and impressions, require for adhesive bridge construction.

Speakers at this event...

More info

Dr Gordon SO Burt

BDS (Lond), LDS RCS Eng, MS (Minnesota), MSc (London), FRACDS, MRACDS (Pros), FDSRCS (Ed), FADI

Dr Gordon Burt completed his prosthodontic training at the University of Minnesota. Has been a practising prosthodontist in Melbourne since 1997. He joined our practice in 2010. He is a visiting co...

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Dr Gerard F Clausen

BDSc (Melb), LDS, MDSc (Melb), FICD, FPFA

Dr Gerry Clausen lectured extensively throughout every State of Australia. Lecture topics have included removable partial dentures, restorative dentistry, crown and bridgework, and implant prostho...

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Dr Kunal Pandya

BDSc (Qld), DClinDent (Pros) (Melb)

Kunal Pandya completed his undergraduate dental training at the University of Queensland in 2002. He worked in general practice for four years, prior to commencing specialist Prosthodontic training...

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Dr Philip A Yeung

BDSc (Melb), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Melb), MS (Iowa), CertPros (Iowa), MRACDS (Pros)

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Event Organiser...

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Speakers at this event...

Dr Gordon SO Burt

BDS (Lond), LDS RCS Eng, MS (Minnesota), MSc (London), FRACDS, MRACDS (Pros), FDSRCS (Ed), FADI

Dr Gordon Burt completed his prosthodontic training at the University of Minnesota. Has been a practising prosthodontist in Melbourne since 1997. He joined our practice in 2010. He is a visiting co...

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Dr Gerard F Clausen

BDSc (Melb), LDS, MDSc (Melb), FICD, FPFA

Dr Gerry Clausen lectured extensively throughout every State of Australia. Lecture topics have included removable partial dentures, restorative dentistry, crown and bridgework, and implant prostho...

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Dr Kunal Pandya

BDSc (Qld), DClinDent (Pros) (Melb)

Kunal Pandya completed his undergraduate dental training at the University of Queensland in 2002. He worked in general practice for four years, prior to commencing specialist Prosthodontic training...

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Dr Philip A Yeung

BDSc (Melb), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Melb), MS (Iowa), CertPros (Iowa), MRACDS (Pros)

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