Medical and Surgical approaches in managing snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea
This event has concluded

From: 9:00 AM
Saturday, 10 March, 2018
To: 5:00 PM
Saturday, 10 March, 2018
Event Details...
This event includes information on the following topics:
The intended audience for this event includes:
A practical and theoretical guide for dentists to understand the medical and surgical approaches to snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea. Hear from leading international specialists related to sleep disorders medicine based at the Woolcock Institute. The Woolcock presenters will provide dentists with practical tools that can be implemented in their practices.
Topics include
- START – Why Sleep medicine is important to Dentists
- Obstructive sleep apnoea – clinical aspects and diagnostic methods
- Interpreting the Sleep report and case studies
- Managing the upper airway - rhinitis, reflux, cough, allergy
- Paediatric sleep disorders
- Treating snoring and OSA - the ENT surgeon's perspective
- Treating snoring and OSA - the Maxillo-Facial Surgeon's perspective
- MAS - Evidence based approach in treating OSA
- The MAS – Viewpoints from a dentist working within a sleep medical team
- Practical workshop – the upper airway assessment using nasoendoscopy
Learning Objectives
- Understand how to recognise obstructive sleep apnoea
- Learn how to interpret sleep studies
- Understand the ENT approaches in managing snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea
- Learn the evidence based behind mandibular splints in treating obstructive sleep apnoea
- Discuss how to manage Paediatric snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea
- Understand the anatomy of the upper airway using real time nasoendoscopy demonstration
Speakers at this event...

Dr Dev Banerjee
MB BS, Sleep Physician
Dr Dev Banerjee is a Consultant in Sleep and Respiratory medicine at the Woolcock Institute, St Vincent's Hospital (Public and Private), and St Vincent's Clinic, Darlinghurst. He is currently medic...

Dr Tristan P Madden
BDS (Otago), MB BS (Melb), PG Dip OMS, FDSRCS (England), FRACDS (OMS)
As a contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, I have specialist qualifications in both dentistry and medicine. I have developed a broad international exposure to the most cutting edge aspects o...

Venue for Event...
Woolcock Institute of Medical Research
431 Glebe Point RoadGlebe NSW 2037
AUSTRALIA Phone: (02) 9114-0000
Event Organiser...
ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development
1 Atchison StreetST LEONARDS NSW 2065
AUSTRALIA Phone: (02) 8436-9997
Speakers at this event...

Dr Dev Banerjee
MB BS, Sleep PhysicianDr Dev Banerjee is a Consultant in Sleep and Respiratory medicine at the Woolcock Institute, St Vincent's Hospital (Public and Private), and St Vincent's Clinic, Darlinghurst. He is currently medic...

Dr Tristan P Madden
BDS (Otago), MB BS (Melb), PG Dip OMS, FDSRCS (England), FRACDS (OMS)As a contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, I have specialist qualifications in both dentistry and medicine. I have developed a broad international exposure to the most cutting edge aspects o...