Cosmetic Orthodontics for General Dentists
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
This event has concluded
From: 8:30 AM
Thursday, 6 August, 2020
To: 5:00 PM
Friday, 7 August, 2020
Event Details...
The most comprehensive short term cosmetic ortho course with everything you need to know to transform your practice.
Master the Smilefast technique in Australia’s most comprehensive cosmetic orthodontic course, designed specifically for general dentists by world renowned specialist orthodontist Dr Geoffrey Hall.
Smilefast, for those unfamiliar with it, is the most comprehensive Short Term Orthodontic course available in Australia. The Pro Course focuses on the fundamentals of predictable orthodontic treatment, the use of the indirect bonding system allowing precise bracket placement, and our digital 3D Virtual Set-up. Smilefast is ideal for both Dr’s with or without any previous Orthodontic knowledge.
Computerised accuracy and perfect bracket placement
You’ll discover why Smilefast’s unparalleled digital approach delivers the fastest, most accurate and predictable treatment. Only Smilefast gives your treatment complete digital precision, from 3D virtual orthodontic diagnosis to computerised indirect bonding for perfect bracket placement. In two days you’ll learn everything you need to grow your practice and get 17 CPD points. Kick start your education with six hours of Smilefast pre-course video training for a further 8 CPD points.
Digital 3D precision, not guesswork
If what you’re doing isn’t orthodontically correct, doesn’t use 3D virtual orthodontic diagnosis, or uses manual indirect bonding to place the brackets, then it’s just guesswork. And that means more work, less profit, more risk and very unhappy patients. Make no mistake, doing cosmetic ortho properly is rewarding for patients and your practice, but problems await those doctors who don’t fully understand why and how cosmetic ortho works and think they can take short cuts.
Protect your reputation and ensure happy patients
Only with Smilefast will you get the depth of training, the certainty and accuracy of digital treatment, plus local orthodontic level support. You’ll gain the confidence you need to take on cosmetic ortho cases and deliver truly efficient, precise, fast and predictable tooth movement. All that adds up to the best possible treatment outcomes for your patients.
Speakers at this event...
Dr Geoff Hall
BDSc (Melb), CertOrth (Uni of Penn), MRACDS (Orth)
Author, international speaker, and myth-busting orthodontist, Dr Geoffrey Hall has been a central figure in the field of orthodontics in Australia and internationally for several decades.
Venue for Event...
Pullman Melbourne Albert Park Hotel
65 Queens RoadMelbourne Vic 3000
AUSTRALIA Phone: +61-3-9529-4300
Event Organiser...
The Ortho Ed Institute
Virginia Park 18 North Drive236-262 East Boundary Road
AUSTRALIA Freecall:1300073427
Speakers at this event...
Dr Geoff Hall
BDSc (Melb), CertOrth (Uni of Penn), MRACDS (Orth)Author, international speaker, and myth-busting orthodontist, Dr Geoffrey Hall has been a central figure in the field of orthodontics in Australia and internationally for several decades.