2 day FREE virtual summit - COVID-19 as it relates to you and your dental practice
From: 8:00 AM Wednesday, 29 April, 2020 ()
To: 9:00 PM Thursday, 30 April, 2020 ()
This event includes information on the following topics:
The intended audience for this event includes:
SofaCON Virtual Dental Summit - coming soon to your lounge room!
Introducing SofaCon Dental Summit, a 2 day live FREE virtual event for all dental professionals. The goal of the Summit is to bring together top experts in the field of finance, insurance, marketing & all dental specialities plus much more. You'll learn new strategies, hear insights and tactics about COVID-19 as it relates to you and your dental practice now and during the recovery phase. Clinical focus webinars will foster learning and inspiration.
- Hear from expert Australasian and global speakers on a range of topics
- Live & on-demand webinars
- Earn up to 25 scienfitic and non-scientific CPD points
- Interactive Q&A
'See' you in the virutal room!
Supported by: Dent Events, EMS Dental, Henry Schein Australia and Ivoclar Vivadent New Zealand
8.15 - 9.00 • Session 1
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: Find your 'om' @home - live yoga session
Speaker: Ms Danielle Begg
Topic: Well-being
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Findings from a recent YouGov survey in Australia show that COVID-19 has caused a large amount of stress. The survey found that one in four Australian relationships are under strain, one in two people are feeling isolated and 57% are feeling stressed. Furthermore, 54% said restrictions due to COVID-19 were causing tension in their household. As a society, we’ve never experienced anything like COVID-19.
The Harvard Medical School said in its latest health guidelines that yoga, meditation and controlled breathing are "some tried and true ways to relax", reduce stress and tension.
Danielle Begg has a background in Psychology and Yoga. As founder and CEO of 'The Yoga Impact Charity' she understands first-hand the effect that yoga has on people of all ages who have suffered from trauma. Step into your most comfortable clothes (PJs are welcome) and join Danielle for a 15 min trauma and yoga chat followed by your very own 30 min Yoga class in your lounge room. You’ll enjoy a breath-centred evidence based yoga class that will improve both your physical and psychological health.
Yoga is one of the best strategies to combat all the uncertainty in our lives. Join in the 'om' fun.
To learn more about the Yoga Impact Charity visit : https://www.yogaimpactcharity.com
9.20 - 10.05 • Session 2
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: My finances & COVID-19
Speaker: Mr Garry W Pammer
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Donald Trump does not give us the best predictions of COVID -19 impact and control but a study by the North American Dental Group does. Unfortunately it has already found that a large number of Americans have significant concerns about seeking dental treatment during the current COVID-19 pandemic. 71% reported that they are uncomfortable visiting their dentists during the COVID-19 pandemic for a non-time sensitive dental procedure. A similar sentiment is most likely shared with the Australian public.
Regardless of the health effects of COVID-19 on you, your family, friends and colleagues, the pandemic’s economic impact is already undeniable. It has affected and will continue to effect personal and business finances for months or years to come.
Join Garry Pammer, a CA and Director at Specialist Accounting & Business Advisory as he discusses the options available to help you financially during this time – whether you’re an employer or employee.
Discussion points:
- Cash flow forecast – if ever you needed one, now is the time.
- Asset write-off options – why they were not enough.
- Cash Boost – employee’s PAYGW, how it supports employer’s cashflow.
- Job Keeper - how your eligibility as an employer helps your employees.
- Business support loans – 50% government guaranteed.
- Early Access to your superannuation – not really the answer you or Australia needs.
- NSW State government Small Business Support Fund -every $10K grant helps.
- Commercial landlord’s – negotiate affordable rental payments.
- My loan and/or mortgage repayments – the options to freeze them.
- Income tax liabilities – how to defer them.
Get all your finance questions answered and much more!
10.25 - 11.10 • Session 3
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: Re-architecting Oral Healthcare for the 21st Century
Speaker: Mr Sahil Bareja
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Rising costs, busy lifestyle, increasing and unsustainable pressures on healthcare systems and global pandemics are all directing current oral health care practices to shift traditional approaches into more advanced mobile app based delivery.
The use of mobile devices by practitioners has transformed many aspects of clinical practice, including improved time management, patient education and improved access. This webinar will be a snapshot of how you could expect Oral health to be delivered in near future and how you can continue to provide oral health care even while you are not back to work completely.
Who will benefit from this talk?
- Practice owners who are wondering how to bring their hygienist back to work with limited patient numbers.
- Dental hygienists/Oral health therapists wishing to provide the exceptional Oral health care to their patients even with lockdowns.
- Dental practitioners who are looking to adapt to the rapidly changing Dental Oral health delivery.
11.30 - 12.15 • Session 4
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: What does the future of Infection Control look like post-COVID-19?
Speaker: Prof Laurence J Walsh AO
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
As dental practices start to move gradually back towards normal operations, a key question is what lessons have we learned from this pandemic about every day infection control measures? How can we make dental care safe for our patients, and not spread disease in the community? How can we be safe at work? What are things we could do better to prepare for future outbreaks? During these turbulent times, dental professionals have many questions and concerns around these issues. Renowned infection control expert Prof Laurie Walsh A.O will lead a discussion about navigating the unchartered waters of dentistry on the downside of the COVID-19 pandemic, we it emerges into a new world. He will review the major issues for dental professionals around current guidelines on screening patients, use of PPE, and limitations on aerosol generation. The webinar will be interactive with time for live Q&A.
12.35 - 13.20 • Session 5
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: How to Deal With Career Anxiety in Uncertain Times
Speaker: Ms Jane Jackson
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Join Jane Jackson, leading Career Management Coach & Author of #1 Amazon bestseller, Navigating Career Crossroads, for this insightful webinar. Jane will discuss how best to face the challenge of the COVID-19 crisis if you’re worried about your future, the future of your practice or if you’ve been stood down.
She’ll answer the following plus so much more!
- What skills can you learn to make yourself more employable during the recovery phase?
- How can you build your personal brand and get noticed by recruiters, secure a promotion and create your dream career?
- How can you leverage Linkedin for your career and business?
Gain the career clarity you deserve!
14.00 - 14.45 • Session 6
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: Enhancing restoration longevity - clinical tips on material selection, placement and maintenance
Speaker: Prof Ian A Meyers
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
This webinar will look at the clinical management of various restorative cases and discuss the clinical strategies to optimise long term restorative success.
Topics to be covered include:
- Selecting the appropriate restorative material.
- Tooth surface preparation and adhesive bonding.
- Finishing and polishing restorations.
- Ongoing restoration care and maintenance.
15.05 - 15.50 • Session 7
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: The do’s and don’ts of Social Media Marketing during COVID-19
Speaker: Ms Jarrah Brailey
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
In this time, it's difficult to know how Dental Practices should be marketing their businesses on social media. Should we try to advertise and promote? Do our patients really want to hear our latest offers - especially when they're locked inside? You can’t afford to stop marketing or selling, and that includes posting on social media.
Facebook and Instagram have seen a 40% increase in usage due to Covid-19, with views for Instagram Live and Facebook Live doubling in one week. But just because there’s an increase of people on social media doesn’t mean it’s business-as-usual.
Award Winning Social Media Strategist, Jarrah Brailey from SBJ Studios will share her insights, tactics and strategies on how to approach social media marketing during the COVID-19 Pandemic and into the recovery phase, including:
- How to change your social media messaging or when to turn social media off during a crisis?
- How to run Facebook ads in this environment?
- Case studies of companies marketing well on social media.
On social media, no matter how your strategy changes, the goal should always be: responsible communication and building strong communities.
16.10 - 16.55 • Session 8
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: Dental Implants & Neglect
Speaker: Dr Sal Shahidi
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
The replacement of missing teeth with dental implants is a common treatment option, attractive for dentists and sought-after by patients. The number of dental implants placed worldwide is increasing continuously. Unfortunately, the increasing number of implants is accompanied by an increasing number of complications including peri-implant diseases, peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis.
Join Periodontist Dr Sal Shahidi for a webinar answering your most common questions related to patients who have dental implants with a focus on implant neglect during COVID-19 and the resulting complications.
Dr Shahidi will discuss:
- Key preventative measures to maximise longevity of dental implants and minimise risks for peri-implant disease.
- Consequences of biofilm build up on implants.
- Patient compliance - how to communicate to patients during the COVID-19 crisis to ensure they are maintaining peri-implant health.
- The importance of differentiating between Implant Survival and Implant Success.
17.15 - 17.45 • Session 9
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: Adapting oral hygiene measures to post Covid-19 practice restart
Speakers: Dr Susan H Cartwright, Ms Amelia Seselija
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
This presentation will explore:
- Evidenced-based care in stabilising high risk patients until you have a chance to get things back on track.
- Understanding mouthrinses properties and how mouthrinses can be a useful adjunct to your practice.
- Identify opportunities and approaches to reconnect to your patients as part of practice restart.
18.05 - 18.50 • Session 10
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: What is the Covid-19 crisis doing to our mental health?
Speaker: Dr Roisin M McGrath
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us all in varying ways. It is understandable that we may feel worried and anxious in these unprecedented times. In this session, Roisin will discuss how COVID-19 is affecting peoples’ mental health and wellbeing and share some potential support strategies.
20.15 - 21.00 • Session 11
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: Periodontal prevention, treatment and maintenance according to Level 2 restrictions
Speaker: Prof Axel K Spahr
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee’s (AHPPC) has announced that it ‘supports the current recommendation by the Australian Dental Association (ADA) that Dentists now move to level 2 restrictions, which will allow a broader range of interventions to be undertaken.
This webinar will outline these recommendations and discuss its' impact on Periodontal prevention, treatment and maintenance under Level 2 restrictions.
21.20 - 21.50 • Session 12
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: A team approach to managing periodontitis
Speakers: Dr Wendy Gill, Ms Jennine R Bywaters
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
This presentation will be co-presented by Dr Wendy Gill (periodontist) and Jennine Bywaters (lead therapist) to discuss how to utilise a team approach to managing periodontitis. The new classification of periodontal and peri implant diseases will be presented as a framework for patient and staff education as well as a guide to when referral may be appropriate.
The ultimate success of periodontitis management relies on supportive periodontal therapy or ‘maintenance’. The presentation will explore the benefits of combining the skills of the periodontist and the hygiene team in managing the ongoing susceptibility of periodontitis patients. A maintenance appointment will be described and include the role of Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) in maximising health outcomes.
8.15 - 9.00 • Session 1
SofaCON 2020: Find your 'om' @home - live yoga session
Speaker: Ms Danielle Begg
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Findings from a recent YouGov survey in Australia show that COVID-19 has caused a large amount of stress. The survey found that one in four Australian relationships are under strain, one in two people are feeling isolated and 57% are feeling stressed. Furthermore, 54% said restrictions due to COVID-19 were causing tension in their household. As a society, we’ve never experienced anything like COVID-19.
The Harvard Medical School said in its latest health guidelines that yoga, meditation and controlled breathing are "some tried and true ways to relax", reduce stress and tension.
Danielle Begg has a background in Psychology and Yoga. As founder and CEO of 'The Yoga Impact Charity' she understands first-hand the effect that yoga has on people of all ages who have suffered from trauma. Step into your most comfortable clothes (PJs are welcome) and join Danielle for a 15 min trauma and yoga chat followed by your very own 30 min Yoga class in your lounge room. You’ll enjoy a breath-centred evidence based yoga class that will improve both your physical and psychological health.
Yoga is one of the best strategies to combat all the uncertainty in our lives. Join in the 'om' fun.
To learn more about the Yoga Impact Charity visit : https://www.yogaimpactcharity.com
9.20 - 10.05 • Session 2
SofaCON 2020: My finances & COVID-19
Speaker: Mr Garry W Pammer
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Donald Trump does not give us the best predictions of COVID -19 impact and control but a study by the North American Dental Group does. Unfortunately it has already found that a large number of Americans have significant concerns about seeking dental treatment during the current COVID-19 pandemic. 71% reported that they are uncomfortable visiting their dentists during the COVID-19 pandemic for a non-time sensitive dental procedure. A similar sentiment is most likely shared with the Australian public.
Regardless of the health effects of COVID-19 on you, your family, friends and colleagues, the pandemic’s economic impact is already undeniable. It has affected and will continue to effect personal and business finances for months or years to come.
Join Garry Pammer, a CA and Director at Specialist Accounting & Business Advisory as he discusses the options available to help you financially during this time – whether you’re an employer or employee.
Discussion points:
- Cash flow forecast – if ever you needed one, now is the time.
- Asset write-off options – why they were not enough.
- Cash Boost – employee’s PAYGW, how it supports employer’s cashflow.
- Job Keeper - how your eligibility as an employer helps your employees.
- Business support loans – 50% government guaranteed.
- Early Access to your superannuation – not really the answer you or Australia needs.
- NSW State government Small Business Support Fund -every $10K grant helps.
- Commercial landlord’s – negotiate affordable rental payments.
- My loan and/or mortgage repayments – the options to freeze them.
- Income tax liabilities – how to defer them.
Get all your finance questions answered and much more!
10.25 - 11.10 • Session 3
SofaCON 2020: Re-architecting Oral Healthcare for the 21st Century
Speaker: Mr Sahil Bareja
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Rising costs, busy lifestyle, increasing and unsustainable pressures on healthcare systems and global pandemics are all directing current oral health care practices to shift traditional approaches into more advanced mobile app based delivery.
The use of mobile devices by practitioners has transformed many aspects of clinical practice, including improved time management, patient education and improved access. This webinar will be a snapshot of how you could expect Oral health to be delivered in near future and how you can continue to provide oral health care even while you are not back to work completely.
Who will benefit from this talk?
- Practice owners who are wondering how to bring their hygienist back to work with limited patient numbers.
- Dental hygienists/Oral health therapists wishing to provide the exceptional Oral health care to their patients even with lockdowns.
- Dental practitioners who are looking to adapt to the rapidly changing Dental Oral health delivery.
11.30 - 12.15 • Session 4
SofaCON 2020: What does the future of Infection Control look like post-COVID-19?
Speaker: Prof Laurence J Walsh AO
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
As dental practices start to move gradually back towards normal operations, a key question is what lessons have we learned from this pandemic about every day infection control measures? How can we make dental care safe for our patients, and not spread disease in the community? How can we be safe at work? What are things we could do better to prepare for future outbreaks? During these turbulent times, dental professionals have many questions and concerns around these issues. Renowned infection control expert Prof Laurie Walsh A.O will lead a discussion about navigating the unchartered waters of dentistry on the downside of the COVID-19 pandemic, we it emerges into a new world. He will review the major issues for dental professionals around current guidelines on screening patients, use of PPE, and limitations on aerosol generation. The webinar will be interactive with time for live Q&A.
12.35 - 13.20 • Session 5
SofaCON 2020: How to Deal With Career Anxiety in Uncertain Times
Speaker: Ms Jane Jackson
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Join Jane Jackson, leading Career Management Coach & Author of #1 Amazon bestseller, Navigating Career Crossroads, for this insightful webinar. Jane will discuss how best to face the challenge of the COVID-19 crisis if you’re worried about your future, the future of your practice or if you’ve been stood down.
She’ll answer the following plus so much more!
- What skills can you learn to make yourself more employable during the recovery phase?
- How can you build your personal brand and get noticed by recruiters, secure a promotion and create your dream career?
- How can you leverage Linkedin for your career and business?
Gain the career clarity you deserve!
14.00 - 14.45 • Session 6
SofaCON 2020: Enhancing restoration longevity - clinical tips on material selection, placement and maintenance
Speaker: Prof Ian A Meyers
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
This webinar will look at the clinical management of various restorative cases and discuss the clinical strategies to optimise long term restorative success.
Topics to be covered include:
- Selecting the appropriate restorative material.
- Tooth surface preparation and adhesive bonding.
- Finishing and polishing restorations.
- Ongoing restoration care and maintenance.
15.05 - 15.50 • Session 7
SofaCON 2020: The do’s and don’ts of Social Media Marketing during COVID-19
Speaker: Ms Jarrah Brailey
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
In this time, it's difficult to know how Dental Practices should be marketing their businesses on social media. Should we try to advertise and promote? Do our patients really want to hear our latest offers - especially when they're locked inside? You can’t afford to stop marketing or selling, and that includes posting on social media.
Facebook and Instagram have seen a 40% increase in usage due to Covid-19, with views for Instagram Live and Facebook Live doubling in one week. But just because there’s an increase of people on social media doesn’t mean it’s business-as-usual.
Award Winning Social Media Strategist, Jarrah Brailey from SBJ Studios will share her insights, tactics and strategies on how to approach social media marketing during the COVID-19 Pandemic and into the recovery phase, including:
- How to change your social media messaging or when to turn social media off during a crisis?
- How to run Facebook ads in this environment?
- Case studies of companies marketing well on social media.
On social media, no matter how your strategy changes, the goal should always be: responsible communication and building strong communities.
16.10 - 16.55 • Session 8
SofaCON 2020: Dental Implants & Neglect
Speaker: Dr Sal Shahidi
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
The replacement of missing teeth with dental implants is a common treatment option, attractive for dentists and sought-after by patients. The number of dental implants placed worldwide is increasing continuously. Unfortunately, the increasing number of implants is accompanied by an increasing number of complications including peri-implant diseases, peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis.
Join Periodontist Dr Sal Shahidi for a webinar answering your most common questions related to patients who have dental implants with a focus on implant neglect during COVID-19 and the resulting complications.
Dr Shahidi will discuss:
- Key preventative measures to maximise longevity of dental implants and minimise risks for peri-implant disease.
- Consequences of biofilm build up on implants.
- Patient compliance - how to communicate to patients during the COVID-19 crisis to ensure they are maintaining peri-implant health.
- The importance of differentiating between Implant Survival and Implant Success.
17.15 - 17.45 • Session 9
SofaCON 2020: Adapting oral hygiene measures to post Covid-19 practice restart
Speakers: Dr Susan H Cartwright, Ms Amelia Seselija
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
This presentation will explore:
- Evidenced-based care in stabilising high risk patients until you have a chance to get things back on track.
- Understanding mouthrinses properties and how mouthrinses can be a useful adjunct to your practice.
- Identify opportunities and approaches to reconnect to your patients as part of practice restart.
18.05 - 18.50 • Session 10
SofaCON 2020: What is the Covid-19 crisis doing to our mental health?
Speaker: Dr Roisin M McGrath
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us all in varying ways. It is understandable that we may feel worried and anxious in these unprecedented times. In this session, Roisin will discuss how COVID-19 is affecting peoples’ mental health and wellbeing and share some potential support strategies.
20.15 - 21.00 • Session 11
SofaCON 2020: Periodontal prevention, treatment and maintenance according to Level 2 restrictions
Speaker: Prof Axel K Spahr
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee’s (AHPPC) has announced that it ‘supports the current recommendation by the Australian Dental Association (ADA) that Dentists now move to level 2 restrictions, which will allow a broader range of interventions to be undertaken.
This webinar will outline these recommendations and discuss its' impact on Periodontal prevention, treatment and maintenance under Level 2 restrictions.
21.20 - 21.50 • Session 12
SofaCON 2020: A team approach to managing periodontitis
Speakers: Dr Wendy Gill, Ms Jennine R Bywaters
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
This presentation will be co-presented by Dr Wendy Gill (periodontist) and Jennine Bywaters (lead therapist) to discuss how to utilise a team approach to managing periodontitis. The new classification of periodontal and peri implant diseases will be presented as a framework for patient and staff education as well as a guide to when referral may be appropriate.
The ultimate success of periodontitis management relies on supportive periodontal therapy or ‘maintenance’. The presentation will explore the benefits of combining the skills of the periodontist and the hygiene team in managing the ongoing susceptibility of periodontitis patients. A maintenance appointment will be described and include the role of Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) in maximising health outcomes.
8.15 - 9.00 • Session 1
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: My personal journey diagnosed with COVID-19 as a Dentist & Practice Owner/Chief Resilience Officer
Speaker: Dr Peter Fritz
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Dr Peter Fritz was one of the first of many dentists in Canada to test positive for COVID-19. Dr Fritz will share first-hand insights regarding this global pandemic affecting our friends, family, communities and profession.
Currently on the tail end of the disease Dr Fritz will discuss how he is managing his team through the 5C’s of Crisis Management: Caring, Communication, Clarity, Calm and Collaboration. By sharing his experience and understanding, he will give viewers a unique perspective on how he plans to keep his patients and staff safe.
He will also share a framework of Strategic Crisis Management to catalyse clinicians and stakeholders to benchmark solutions globally and re-establish control during this proper crisis.
9.20 - 10.05 • Session 2
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: My Perspective on Being a Hygienist during COVID-19 & Beyond
Speaker: Ms Tabitha L Acret
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Dental Professionals particularly Dental hygienists are at the highest risk of exposure to COVID-19 due to how close we come to our patients and the risk of aerosols. As we move to level 2 restrictions this week, we need to consider what returning to work will look like & what steps we need to take to protect ourselves post COVID-19.
Join leading Dental Hygienist, Tabitha Acret, as she discusses:
- From stage 3 restrictions back to stage 2 restrictions what does this mean for hygienists?
- How is COVID-19 changing the face of the hygiene department?
- How can OHTs and hygienists support their practice through restrictions and beyond?
- Communicating with our patients.
- Importance of home care during COVID-19 and how to motivate your patient.
10.25 - 11.10 • Session 3
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: Planning on Buying or Exiting a practice? How has Covid-19 impacted Practice Sales
Speaker: Mr Simon Palmer
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
COVID-19 has brought economic uncertainty to most businesses in the country. Many dentists have had their plan to exit or buy practices thrown into the air and are cautiously holding back to see how the dust will settle in the post-Covid world.
What will the economic shutdown over the past few months mean for practice values and practice sales? Should you go ahead with your plans to buy or sell?
While there is a lot of negativity to latch on to, there are also plenty of reasons for a positive future outlook for practice values and opportunities that will come in the months ahead.
11.30 - 12.15 • Session 4
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: The New (old) Approach to Managing Caries
Speaker: Ms Cathy Boyce
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
The new (old) approach to managing caries and sensitivity... especially in 2020!
What are silver fluorides and how exactly do they work to improve caries and sensitivity management? How can they be used to benefit clients when we are working under conditions which restrict aerosol-generating procedures?
Learning objectives:
- Explain the differences between silver fluorides materials.
- Discuss case histories where silver fluorides were used to achieve clinical outcomes.
- Learn how this new, yet historic treatment protocol can be communicated effectively to patients using the ARM-ER approach and its accompanying resources.
14.00 - 14.45 • Session 5
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: Beat the Biofilm
Speaker: Ms Emma Jones
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
In this webinar Emma Jones, Infection Control Manager at Henry Schein, will cover off what you need to do in order to be ready to see patients SAFELY again after this reduced clinical time we’ve endured and still continue to endure due to Covid19. Emma will go in to detail on the importance of ensuring safe dental unit waterlines prior to seeing patients again... because after this pandemic no one wants another public health risk!
15.05 - 15.50 • Session 6
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: Still working? Insurance risks 101
Speaker: Dr Simon D Parsons
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Given the uncertain practising environment, many oral health professionals are concerned about the type of indemnity cover they may need, as well as any liability, should they treat patients while restrictions are in place. In this presentation we will examine some key principles for staying professionally safe.
16.10 - 16.55 • Session 7
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: How to effectively implement change in your dental practice and adapt to the new "normal"
Speaker: Mr Lee Fisher
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
The current global pandemic has forced dental practices around the world to shut down or restrict operations. Now is the perfect opportunity to reflect and to plan as we consider how we will bounce-back stronger than ever on the other side of this pandemic. When dental practices begin to re-open, their practice management and operations must adapt to the new ‘normal’, including changes in regulation and patient expectations.
Our webinar will discuss how your dental practice can effectively implement positive change to mitigate risk towards their business while protecting both patients and staff.
Be ready for the new “normal” so that your practice can not only survive, but thrive during these times of rapid change and uncertainty.
17.15 - 18.00 • Session 8
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: How to maximise your profitability with GBT
Speaker: Mr Celso Da Costa
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
As dental practitioners we see ourselves as clinicians, educators, patient advocates, and even feel like therapists, but there is one aspect that many of us shy away from, the business of dentistry. Dentistry is a medical service, and it exists to provide valuable care to its patients, but it also exists to produce a profit. Without profit, the business, and its valuable service to patients would cease to exist.
GBT can help us developing a profitable business model with the highest level of comfort, safety and efficiency, becoming really important in the developing of prophylaxis and working as an amazing practice builder.
19.25 - 19.55 • Session 9
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: The Crucial role of orthodontics in the multidisciplinary treatment of paediatric OSAS
Speaker: Dr Derek R Mahony
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
This study (my PhD research) followed 3329 children between ages of 7-9 years old that were referred to me for an orthodontic consultation by their general dentist. The purpose of the study was to see what combination of treatments would most reduce the impact of sleep disordered breathing, in the paediatric population.
Based on the signs and symptoms of sleep disordered breathing problems, 3326 patients had the standard orthodontic records of study casts, X-rays/CBCTs, extra oral and intra oral photographs, as well as a baseline sleep study (PSG) or an overnight pulse oximetry. Sleep studies revealed mild to moderate sleep aponea, or other symptoms of SDB. 21 patients PSG studies showed no SDB.
The patients were assigned to 1 of 4 treatment groups, plus a control group who did not receive any treatment (group 5): 1) ENT surgery only, or 2) ENT surgery and Myofunctional therapy, with a night time appliance (myobrace) (MFT) or 3) ENT surgery and orthopaedics/orthodontics, and 4) ENT surgery, orthopaedics/orthodontics, MFT and a night-time appliance (myobrace).
Sleep studies were performed for all patients, at baseline, and then after ENT intervention, after orthopaedic treatment, and finally after MFT. By comparing the results, the best outcome, for RDI reduction, was obtained when ENT surgery, myofunctional therapy and orthodontic therapy were used. Complete resolution of OSAs, in children, requires appropriate orthodontic treatment, such as maxillary development, maxillary protraction, and mandibular translation.
Learning outcomes:
- Compare different combined treatment modalities for the treatment of paediatric OSAS
- Include orthodontics in treatment plans for paediatric OSAS
- Identify the relationship between malocclusions and SDB in children
- Review the common ENT procedures that help restore nasal breathing in children
- Summarize the most favourable dentofacial orthopaedic treatment outcomes for these children, once their nasal airway has been improved
- Compare stability of their improved airway with and without MFT
20.15 - 21.00 • Session 10
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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SofaCON 2020: The return-to-practice recovery plan
Speaker: Ms Yolanda Gerges
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
COVID-19 has and will have a large effect on many dental practices. Dental Practices have been hit with loss of patients, loss of revenue, lack of access to loans, PPE shortages, high levels of stress, possible reduction of staff, and new regulations, and many other challenges.
Whilst it may seem overwhelming now, it is a good idea to begin thinking about the next phase of this crisis…planning to recover. We don’t know yet when this crisis will end, but that shouldn’t prevent you from planning the business aspects of your recovery.
Are you armed with actionable strategies to thrive, not just survive?
Join Yolanda Gerges, Director of The Peak Performance Practice, for a live webinar discussing return-to-practice recovery plans. Yolanda will share clear and real strategies that you can implement now for a faster ‘return to normal’ when this crisis ends.
8.15 - 9.00 • Session 1
SofaCON 2020: My personal journey diagnosed with COVID-19 as a Dentist & Practice Owner/Chief Resilience Officer
Speaker: Dr Peter Fritz
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Dr Peter Fritz was one of the first of many dentists in Canada to test positive for COVID-19. Dr Fritz will share first-hand insights regarding this global pandemic affecting our friends, family, communities and profession.
Currently on the tail end of the disease Dr Fritz will discuss how he is managing his team through the 5C’s of Crisis Management: Caring, Communication, Clarity, Calm and Collaboration. By sharing his experience and understanding, he will give viewers a unique perspective on how he plans to keep his patients and staff safe.
He will also share a framework of Strategic Crisis Management to catalyse clinicians and stakeholders to benchmark solutions globally and re-establish control during this proper crisis.
9.20 - 10.05 • Session 2
SofaCON 2020: My Perspective on Being a Hygienist during COVID-19 & Beyond
Speaker: Ms Tabitha L Acret
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Dental Professionals particularly Dental hygienists are at the highest risk of exposure to COVID-19 due to how close we come to our patients and the risk of aerosols. As we move to level 2 restrictions this week, we need to consider what returning to work will look like & what steps we need to take to protect ourselves post COVID-19.
Join leading Dental Hygienist, Tabitha Acret, as she discusses:
- From stage 3 restrictions back to stage 2 restrictions what does this mean for hygienists?
- How is COVID-19 changing the face of the hygiene department?
- How can OHTs and hygienists support their practice through restrictions and beyond?
- Communicating with our patients.
- Importance of home care during COVID-19 and how to motivate your patient.
10.25 - 11.10 • Session 3
SofaCON 2020: Planning on Buying or Exiting a practice? How has Covid-19 impacted Practice Sales
Speaker: Mr Simon Palmer
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
COVID-19 has brought economic uncertainty to most businesses in the country. Many dentists have had their plan to exit or buy practices thrown into the air and are cautiously holding back to see how the dust will settle in the post-Covid world.
What will the economic shutdown over the past few months mean for practice values and practice sales? Should you go ahead with your plans to buy or sell?
While there is a lot of negativity to latch on to, there are also plenty of reasons for a positive future outlook for practice values and opportunities that will come in the months ahead.
11.30 - 12.15 • Session 4
SofaCON 2020: The New (old) Approach to Managing Caries
Speaker: Ms Cathy Boyce
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
The new (old) approach to managing caries and sensitivity... especially in 2020!
What are silver fluorides and how exactly do they work to improve caries and sensitivity management? How can they be used to benefit clients when we are working under conditions which restrict aerosol-generating procedures?
Learning objectives:
- Explain the differences between silver fluorides materials.
- Discuss case histories where silver fluorides were used to achieve clinical outcomes.
- Learn how this new, yet historic treatment protocol can be communicated effectively to patients using the ARM-ER approach and its accompanying resources.
14.00 - 14.45 • Session 5
SofaCON 2020: Beat the Biofilm
Speaker: Ms Emma Jones
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
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In this webinar Emma Jones, Infection Control Manager at Henry Schein, will cover off what you need to do in order to be ready to see patients SAFELY again after this reduced clinical time we’ve endured and still continue to endure due to Covid19. Emma will go in to detail on the importance of ensuring safe dental unit waterlines prior to seeing patients again... because after this pandemic no one wants another public health risk!
15.05 - 15.50 • Session 6
SofaCON 2020: Still working? Insurance risks 101
Speaker: Dr Simon D Parsons
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
Given the uncertain practising environment, many oral health professionals are concerned about the type of indemnity cover they may need, as well as any liability, should they treat patients while restrictions are in place. In this presentation we will examine some key principles for staying professionally safe.
16.10 - 16.55 • Session 7
SofaCON 2020: How to effectively implement change in your dental practice and adapt to the new "normal"
Speaker: Mr Lee Fisher
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
The current global pandemic has forced dental practices around the world to shut down or restrict operations. Now is the perfect opportunity to reflect and to plan as we consider how we will bounce-back stronger than ever on the other side of this pandemic. When dental practices begin to re-open, their practice management and operations must adapt to the new ‘normal’, including changes in regulation and patient expectations.
Our webinar will discuss how your dental practice can effectively implement positive change to mitigate risk towards their business while protecting both patients and staff.
Be ready for the new “normal” so that your practice can not only survive, but thrive during these times of rapid change and uncertainty.
17.15 - 18.00 • Session 8
SofaCON 2020: How to maximise your profitability with GBT
Speaker: Mr Celso Da Costa
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
As dental practitioners we see ourselves as clinicians, educators, patient advocates, and even feel like therapists, but there is one aspect that many of us shy away from, the business of dentistry. Dentistry is a medical service, and it exists to provide valuable care to its patients, but it also exists to produce a profit. Without profit, the business, and its valuable service to patients would cease to exist.
GBT can help us developing a profitable business model with the highest level of comfort, safety and efficiency, becoming really important in the developing of prophylaxis and working as an amazing practice builder.
19.25 - 19.55 • Session 9
SofaCON 2020: The Crucial role of orthodontics in the multidisciplinary treatment of paediatric OSAS
Speaker: Dr Derek R Mahony
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
This study (my PhD research) followed 3329 children between ages of 7-9 years old that were referred to me for an orthodontic consultation by their general dentist. The purpose of the study was to see what combination of treatments would most reduce the impact of sleep disordered breathing, in the paediatric population.
Based on the signs and symptoms of sleep disordered breathing problems, 3326 patients had the standard orthodontic records of study casts, X-rays/CBCTs, extra oral and intra oral photographs, as well as a baseline sleep study (PSG) or an overnight pulse oximetry. Sleep studies revealed mild to moderate sleep aponea, or other symptoms of SDB. 21 patients PSG studies showed no SDB.
The patients were assigned to 1 of 4 treatment groups, plus a control group who did not receive any treatment (group 5): 1) ENT surgery only, or 2) ENT surgery and Myofunctional therapy, with a night time appliance (myobrace) (MFT) or 3) ENT surgery and orthopaedics/orthodontics, and 4) ENT surgery, orthopaedics/orthodontics, MFT and a night-time appliance (myobrace).
Sleep studies were performed for all patients, at baseline, and then after ENT intervention, after orthopaedic treatment, and finally after MFT. By comparing the results, the best outcome, for RDI reduction, was obtained when ENT surgery, myofunctional therapy and orthodontic therapy were used. Complete resolution of OSAs, in children, requires appropriate orthodontic treatment, such as maxillary development, maxillary protraction, and mandibular translation.
Learning outcomes:
- Compare different combined treatment modalities for the treatment of paediatric OSAS
- Include orthodontics in treatment plans for paediatric OSAS
- Identify the relationship between malocclusions and SDB in children
- Review the common ENT procedures that help restore nasal breathing in children
- Summarize the most favourable dentofacial orthopaedic treatment outcomes for these children, once their nasal airway has been improved
- Compare stability of their improved airway with and without MFT
20.15 - 21.00 • Session 10
SofaCON 2020: The return-to-practice recovery plan
Speaker: Ms Yolanda Gerges
- Webinar
- 0.50 CPD Points
Click Here to Register for this Webinar
COVID-19 has and will have a large effect on many dental practices. Dental Practices have been hit with loss of patients, loss of revenue, lack of access to loans, PPE shortages, high levels of stress, possible reduction of staff, and new regulations, and many other challenges.
Whilst it may seem overwhelming now, it is a good idea to begin thinking about the next phase of this crisis…planning to recover. We don’t know yet when this crisis will end, but that shouldn’t prevent you from planning the business aspects of your recovery.
Are you armed with actionable strategies to thrive, not just survive?
Join Yolanda Gerges, Director of The Peak Performance Practice, for a live webinar discussing return-to-practice recovery plans. Yolanda will share clear and real strategies that you can implement now for a faster ‘return to normal’ when this crisis ends.

Ms Yolanda Gerges
B.App.Sc; Post Grad. Dip(BA), M.B.A
Working with entrepreneurs and practice owners. Implementing powerful strategies to unlock hidden potential for more clarity, freedom, profit and peace of mind

Ms Jane Jackson
Career Management Coach & Bestselling Author
Jane is a leading Career Management Coach, Author of #1 Amazon bestseller, Navigating Career Crossroads, key note speaker and Host of &lsqu...

Ms Jarrah Brailey
Social Media Strategist
Jarrah is an award winning social media strategist, and Founder of Sydney-based social media marketing studio, SBJ Studios, where she helps brands and businesses all over the world to help them unl...

Dr Simon D Parsons
BDS (Hons), MBA
Dr Simon Parsons is a dentolegal consultant for Dental Protection and a practising dentist with over 25 years’ experience working in private dental practice. Dr Parsons tutored dental undergradua...

Ms Emma Jones
Emma Jones has an extensive clinical background prior to her time at Henry Schein as Infection Control Manager. She completed her Dental Nursing qualification in the UK where she worked for an NHS ...

Ms Amelia G Seselja
Amelia holds a Bachelor of Oral Health from the University of Queensland and a Master of Business Administration from Flinders University. Amelia is an advocate for oral health promotion and has le...

Mr Lee Fisher
Lee Fisher is the Head of Sales for Henry Schein One APAC, with responsibilities across this region for all new business. Lee holds a post graduate qualification in business and h...

Prof Axel K Spahr
Dr. med. dent. habil., MRACDS (Perio), FICD, FPFA
Prof. Spahr is Head of the Discipline Periodontics and Program Director of the Doctor of Clinical Dentistry-Periodontics postgraduate program at The University of Sydney Dental School.

Dr Wendy Gill
BDSc (WA), MDSc (Perio), FRACDS (Perio), FPFA, FADI
Dr Wendy Gill graduated from UWA in 1994 and spent 9 years in general practice before completing her Masters Degree in Periodontology in 2006. Wendy obtained her Fellowship of the Royal Australasia...

Ms Jennine R Bywaters
Jennine graduated in 1987 from Curtin University with an Associate Diploma in Dental Therapy. She has since attained the Cert. Health Education, a BSc in Health Promotion and a Post Graduate Diplom...

Mr Simon Palmer
Practice broker Simon Palmer has sold hundreds of dental practices throughout his 20-year career, helping dentists prepare their practices for sale and achieve the best possible results and terms. ...


Mr Celso Da Costa
Celso Da Costa completed his Dental Hygienist diploma at age 20 years from FMDUL, Lisbon, Portugal.
After one year of private practice in Lisbon and after working as an assistant profes...

Dr Meredith Owen
BSc (Hons), BDent (Hons), DClinDent (Perio), MRACDS (Perio)
Dr Meredith Owen received an honours degree in BioMedical Science from the University of Guelph before studying dentistry at the University of Sydney. She graduated with honours and was awarded the...

Dr Derek R Mahony
BDS (Syd), MScOrth (London), DOrthRCS (Edinburgh), MDOrthRCPS (Glasgow), MOrthRCS (England), FRCD (Canada), Morth RCS (Edinburgh)/CDS(Hong Kong), FICD
Dr Mahony is a Specialist Orthodontist who has been in private practice for over 30 years. He has built his practice, clinical teaching, and worldwide reputation in offering early interceptive orth...

Prof Laurence J Walsh AO
BDSc (Hons) (Qld), DDSc (Qld), PhD (Qld), GCEd, FFOP (RCPA), FICD, FADI, FPFA, FIADFE
Laurie Walsh is a specialist in special needs dentistry who is based at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, where he is an emeritus professor. He has been working in clinical microbiology for...

Dr Peter Fritz
BSc, DDS, FRCD (C), PhD (Perio), MBA
Peter is an intrepid lifelong global learner. He is a certified specialist in periodontics and is in full-time private practice in Fonthill, Ontario. The focus of his periodontal practice is dental...

Ms Danielle Begg
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Hons) from the University of Queensland, Master of Science in Comparative Social Policy from the University of Oxford and a Certified Yoga Teacher
Danielle is the Co-founder & CEO of the Yoga Impact Charity, a not-for-profit providing evidence based trauma sensitive yoga programs t...

Mr Garry W Pammer
BEc, LLB, CA, Dip.FS (FP)
Garry Pammer is a Chartered Accountant with a Bachelor of Economics, Bachelor of Laws and qualificiations in Financial Planning.
His long career has included advising many dentists and denta...

Mr Sahil Bareja
BOH (Syd), GcOHSc (Adel)
Sahil is an Dental therapist/hygienist who has been practising in private clinic since 2012. Sahil graduated from University of Sydney and further completed his Graduate certificate in Oral health ...

Prof Ian A Meyers
Prof Meyers is currently in general dental practice in Brisbane, Australia and has honorary professorial positions with The University of Queensland School of Dentistry, and James Cook University S...

Dr Sal Shahidi
BMedSc, BDent (Hons) (Syd), DClinDent (Perio), FRACDS
Dr Sal Shahidi graduated with a Bachelor of Medical Science and Bachelor of Dentistry with Honours from the University of Sydney. He then went on to obtain a Fellowship with the Royal Australasian ...

Dr Roisin M McGrath
Roisin has worked in the oral health field for over 30 years. She currently works part-time at the University of Melbourne as a Lecturer in Oral Health and is also employed by Dental Health Service...

Dr Susan H Cartwright
BDS (Otago), DipClinDent (Periodontic) (Otago), MEd (Hons) (AUT)
Dr Cartwright graduated from Otago University Dental School in 1983 with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) and completed a Diploma in Clinical Dentistry in Periodontology with Distinction in 1998....

Ms Tabitha L Acret
BOH (Newc)
Tabitha Acret is a dedicated and passionate award-winning Dental Hygienist. She studied a Bachelor or Oral Health at Newcastle University after working as a Dental Nurse and Practice Manager for 10...