Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
This event has concluded
From: 10:00 AM
Friday, 21 June, 2024
To: 3:30 PM
Friday, 21 June, 2024
Event Details...
To present day, 'silver' stainless steel crowns remain the 'gold standard' in paediatric dentistry for restoration of compromised molars.
For molars affected with extensive dental caries, developmental defects of enamel, severe tooth surface loss, severe post eruptive breakdown, large multi surface carious lesions, and/or following pulp therapy, 'silver' stainless steel crowns ( SSCs) are definitely the 'gold standard' in paediatric dentistry. SSCs are cost effective, offer the best longevity and durability, are low maintenance and provide long term full coronal coverage.
This comprehensive training day includes lectures, case selection, study discussion and hands-on experience including preparation and placement of SSCs (including the Hall Technique) in both primary and permanent molars. Useful and practical clinical tips to help clinicians place SSCs in their own paediatric patients with ease and confidence will also be shared.
As this popular hands-on course has a limited number of participants, make sure you register early.
You will gain:
- confidence in diagnosis, case selection and clinical management of children requiring restorative treatment
- clinical practice in a simulated environment with hands-on practical exercises for SSC placement on various primary molars (both Hall technique and conventional placement). Dentist participants will also have the opportunity to practise the placement of SSCs in permanent molar teeth
- clinical tips on how to anticipate and identify potential problems with SSC placement and how to resolve them.
Speakers at this event...

Dr Mala Desai
BDSc (Melb), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent, MDSc (Melb)
Mala graduated in Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Melbourne in 1988. She spent several years in hospital and private general dental practice in both Melbourne and abroad before co...
Venue for Event...
Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch Inc
Level 310 Yarra Street
South Yarra VIC 3141
AUSTRALIA Phone: +61388254600
Event Organiser...
Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch Inc
Level 310 Yarra Street
South Yarra VIC 3141
AUSTRALIA Phone: +61388254600
Speakers at this event...

Dr Mala Desai
BDSc (Melb), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent, MDSc (Melb)Mala graduated in Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Melbourne in 1988. She spent several years in hospital and private general dental practice in both Melbourne and abroad before co...