Maintenance and Prevention of Periodontal and Implant Disease
From: 9:00 AM Saturday, 10 October, 2015
Registration opens at 9:00 AM
To: 4:00 PM Saturday, 10 October, 2015
This event includes information on the following topics:
The intended audience for this event includes:
The goal of the Swiss Prophylaxis program is to give clinicians a complete education on how to use products effectively, have a better understanding in modern techniques of periodontal disease management and improvement in patient experience. This is a learning and sharing experience. The trainings are performed by dental professionals that are experts in prophylaxis treatments and managed by EMS subsidiaries and partners worldwide.
Ask how to become an accredited Swiss Prophylaxis Provider after the course.
PRESENTER: A/Prof. Axel Spahr
LECTURE - 9.00 am - 11.00 am
Identify to interested dental professionals the most modern, gentle and cost effective techniques available for periodontal and implant maintenance.
Make periodontal treatments more effective and more enjoyable to both you and your dental practice
Periodontal Disease
- Understanding biofilm
- Role of professional biofilm management
- Insights on ultrasonic and air-polishing technologies for biofilm removal
Implant Disease
- Applying the above principles to implants
- How to best care for implants
- Prevention and treatment of peri-implant mucositis
HANDS-ON WORKSHOP - 9.00 am - 4.00 pm
This workshop is a platform for clinical experience learning and sharing. The correct techniques with both ultrasonic and air polishing devices will be demonstrated and trained first on simulation models and then clinically on patients. Dental professionals will learn to maximize efficiency and patient comfort.
- Correctly apply ultrasonic instrumentation
- Correctly utilize supra-gingival air polishing devices
- Correctly utilize sub-gingival air polishing devices
- Correctly utilize deep pocket sub-gingival air polishing devices
- Learn which, when and where to utilize each prophylaxis powder
To participate in this program, you must read the information below and send all completed forms to
NOTE: All forms are available for download in the FORMS and DOWNLOADS area of this page to the right.
All Visiting Health Practitioners (including dentists enrolled in CE training within the NSW Health facilities) are required to:
- Undergo a National Criminal Record Checks ('NCRCs') as specified in the NSW Health Policy Directive PD2013_028 - Employment Checks - Criminal Record Checks and Working with Children Checks.
NSW Health can conduct NCRCs on all visiting practitioners enrolled in the course however NCRCs can't be lodged without informed consent from the individual and without the required evidence of their identification. Therefore, all visiting practitioners participating in this course must, at the time of enrolment, complete and sign the NCRC Consent Form ( a copy is attached below) and provide 100 Points of Identification (list is also attached below).
According to the PD 2013_028 the attached 100 Point Identification Checklist form can be completed after sighting the original documentation. Since the practitioners will not be present in the NSW Health facility at the time of their application, scanned and verified copies of their original documents (signed by authorised person) on this occasion will be accepted . Hospital staff (appropriately delegated officer) will check details and complete the 100 Points of Identification Form.
However, as per the process outlined in the policy all visiting practitioners will need to bring their original identifying documents as these documents must be sighted and the 100 Points of Identification Check form verified by hospital designated staff on arrival.
All documents - completed & signed consent form and verified copies of their original identifying documents need to be submitted by the participant or the course coordinator to NSW Health Facility for processing. NOTE: processing may take up to 4 weeks from the date of initial submission and NCRC clearance must be obtained prior course commencement. - Must be screened against diseases highlighted in NSW Health Policy Directive 2011_005 'Occupational Assessment, Screening & Vaccination against Specified Infectious Diseases'. Participants have to provide evidence of protection against specified infectious diseases as per attached - Information Sheet 2 - Checklist: Evidence required from Category A applicant. (Note*: Category A applicant - person denotes direct physical contact with patients; also, the policy can be found on NSW Health Website). Evidence of vaccination needs to be forwarded or emailed to a health facility designated staff prior to commencement of the course.
- Must be registered with Dental Board of Australia. Note*: Health facility designated staff will use AHPRA register to check participants' registration status.
- Course participants attending clinical placements within NSW Health facilities must be covered by professional indemnity insurance including civil liability cover for all aspects of practice.
NOTE: All forms are available for download in the FORMS and DOWNLOADS area of this page to the right.
9.00 - 11.00 • Session 1
- Lecture
- More Info
LECTURE - 9.00 am - 11.00 am
Identify to interested dental professionals the most modern, gentle and cost effective techniques available for periodontal and implant maintenance.
Make periodontal treatments more effective and more enjoyable to both you and your dental practice
Periodontal Disease
- Understanding biofilm
- Role of professional biofilm management
- Insights on ultrasonic and air-polishing technologies for biofilm removal
Implant Disease
- Applying the above principles to implants
- How to best care for implants
- Prevention and treatment of peri-implant mucositis
11.00 - 16.00 • Session 2
- Hands-on Workshop
- 4.00 CPD Points
- More Info
Lecture and Workshop
HANDS-ON WORKSHOP - 11.00 am - 4.00 pm
This workshop is a platform for clinical experience learning and sharing. The correct techniques with both ultrasonic and air polishing devices will be demonstrated and trained first on simulation models and then clinically on patients. Dental professionals will learn to maximize efficiency and patient comfort.
- Correctly apply ultrasonic instrumentation
- Correctly utilize supra-gingival air polishing devices
- Correctly utilize sub-gingival air polishing devices
- Correctly utilize deep pocket sub-gingival air polishing devices
- Learn which, when and where to utilize each prophylaxis powder
9.00 - 11.00 • Session 1
- Lecture
LECTURE - 9.00 am - 11.00 am
Identify to interested dental professionals the most modern, gentle and cost effective techniques available for periodontal and implant maintenance.
Make periodontal treatments more effective and more enjoyable to both you and your dental practice
Periodontal Disease
- Understanding biofilm
- Role of professional biofilm management
- Insights on ultrasonic and air-polishing technologies for biofilm removal
Implant Disease
- Applying the above principles to implants
- How to best care for implants
- Prevention and treatment of peri-implant mucositis
11.00 - 16.00 • Session 2
Lecture and Workshop
- Hands-on Workshop
- 4.00 CPD Points
HANDS-ON WORKSHOP - 11.00 am - 4.00 pm
This workshop is a platform for clinical experience learning and sharing. The correct techniques with both ultrasonic and air polishing devices will be demonstrated and trained first on simulation models and then clinically on patients. Dental professionals will learn to maximize efficiency and patient comfort.
- Correctly apply ultrasonic instrumentation
- Correctly utilize supra-gingival air polishing devices
- Correctly utilize sub-gingival air polishing devices
- Correctly utilize deep pocket sub-gingival air polishing devices
- Learn which, when and where to utilize each prophylaxis powder

Prof Axel K Spahr
Dr. med. dent. habil., MRACDS (Perio), FICD, FPFA
Prof. Spahr is Head of the Discipline Periodontics and Program Director of the Doctor of Clinical Dentistry-Periodontics postgraduate program at The University of Sydney Dental School.
Cancellation Policy
- Payment must be made upon registration
- Places will not be held without payment
- Cancellation fee of 50% for between 14 and 7 days of date of the course
- No refund for non-attendance on date of course
Lecture and Workshop
THIS RATE APPLIES TO: Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Dental Therapists, Oral Health Therapists, Others
- Full Program
- AUD 620.00
- Including 10% GST
Lecture Only
THIS RATE APPLIES TO: Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Dental Therapists, Oral Health Therapists, Others
- Full Program
- AUD 150.00
- Including 10% GST