This event has concluded
From: 9:00 AM
Wednesday, 25 September, 2024
To: 4:30 PM
Wednesday, 25 September, 2024
Event Details...
This event includes information on the following topics:
The intended audience for this event includes:
This course will explore the intricacy of minimal prep crowns and the effect of minimal tooth preparation on the pulp and how to temporise a minimal preparation so that it won’t fall off but can be easily removed.
Focusing on the differences and appropriate applications of pressed and machined eMax crowns, the course will explore the indications for Zirconia, Emax and feldspathic porcelains, providing an understanding of when to choose one over the other for aesthetic and functional success. The course will also examine why full gold crowns are still the gold standard, and how these can be made using the digital workflow.
Speakers at this event...

Dr Keith E Doonan
BDS (London), M.Clin.Dent (Pros), FRACDS
Keith received his BDS in 1993 from Royal London Hospital Dental School where he graduated as Dental Society President. He later received his Masters in Prosthodontics from Kings College London and...
Venue for Event...
ADAQ CPD and Training Centre
CPD & Training Centre26-28 Hamilton Place
Bowen Hills QLD 4006
AUSTRALIA Phone: (07) 3251-2160
Event Organiser...
Australian Dental Association (Qld Branch)
26-28 Hamilton PlaceBowen Hills QLD 4006
AUSTRALIA Phone: (07) 3252-9866
Speakers at this event...

Dr Keith E Doonan
BDS (London), M.Clin.Dent (Pros), FRACDSKeith received his BDS in 1993 from Royal London Hospital Dental School where he graduated as Dental Society President. He later received his Masters in Prosthodontics from Kings College London and...