North Ryde
This event has concluded

- - (UTC )
From: 7:30 PM ()
Thursday, 5 June, 2014
To: 10:30 PM ()
Thursday, 5 June, 2014
Event Details...
Speakers at this event...

Dr Mark V Levi
BDS (Syd)Dr Mark Levi has been a dentist for some 30 years with the last 15 years focusing on teeth whitening. Working in Sydney CBD, Dr Levi has probably the largest Tooth Whitening practice in Australia. Wit...

Dr Derek R Mahony
BDS (Syd), MScOrth (London), DOrthRCS (Edinburgh), MDOrthRCPS (Glasgow), MOrthRCS (England), FRCD (Canada), Morth RCS (Edinburgh)/CDS(Hong Kong), FICD
Dr Mahony is a Specialist Orthodontist who has been in private practice for over 30 years. He has built his practice, clinical teaching, and worldwide reputation in offering early interceptive orth...
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Speckers at this event...

Dr Mark V Levi
BDS (Syd)Dr Mark Levi has been a dentist for some 30 years with the last 15 years focusing on teeth whitening. Working in Sydney CBD, Dr Levi has probably the largest Tooth Whitening practice in Australia. Wit...

Dr Derek R Mahony
BDS (Syd), MScOrth (London), DOrthRCS (Edinburgh), MDOrthRCPS (Glasgow), MOrthRCS (England), FRCD (Canada), Morth RCS (Edinburgh)/CDS(Hong Kong), FICDDr Mahony is a Specialist Orthodontist who has been in private practice for over 30 years. He has built his practice, clinical teaching, and worldwide reputation in offering early interceptive orth...