CPDent Adelaide - CPDA E 04/15
This event has concluded
From: 6:15 PM
Thursday, 17 September, 2015
To: 8:30 PM
Thursday, 17 September, 2015
Event Details...
This event includes information on the following topics:
The intended audience for this event includes:
The growing burden of chronic disease is a major health challenge in Australia. The 2004/2005 National Health Survey identified that just over 7 million people in Australia have at least one chronic condition, and that the proportion of people having a chronic disease increases with age.1 Many of these people will be referred by their general medical practitioner or specialist(s) for serological (blood) tests to assess and manage their health issues. This presentation will discuss routinely requested blood tests and their clinical significance and relevance to general dental practice. This will be a discussion of normal and abnormal results and include reference to anaemia, bleeding risk, infection risk, bone turnover, liver function, blood glucose and vitamin deficiency. The importance of involving the patient’s general medical practitioner will also be discussed.
1. http://www.aihw.gov.au/chronic-diseases/ Accessed 20/11/2014
Speakers at this event...
Dr Bronwyn H Scopacasa
BDS (Adel)Bronwyn Scopacasa graduated with a BDS from University of Adelaide and became a Fellow of the RACDS (General Stream) in 1983. Bronwyn has worked in the Special Needs Unit, Adelaide Dental Hospital for...
Dr Sharon AC Liberali
BDS (Adel), DClinDent (Special Needs) (Adel), FICD, FPFA, FRACDS (Special Needs)
Sharon Liberali completed her undergraduate dental degree at the University of Adelaide in 1986 and was awarded a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Special Needs Dentistry at the University of Adelai...
Venue for Event...
The University of Adelaide Engineering South Lecture Theatre Room S111
North Terrace CampusADELAIDE SA 5000
AUSTRALIA Phone: +61-8-8313-4052
Event Organiser...
The University of Adelaide
School of Dentistry233 North Terrace
The University of Adelaide SA 5005
AUSTRALIA Phone: (08) 8303-5409
Speakers at this event...
Dr Bronwyn H Scopacasa
BDS (Adel)Bronwyn Scopacasa graduated with a BDS from University of Adelaide and became a Fellow of the RACDS (General Stream) in 1983. Bronwyn has worked in the Special Needs Unit, Adelaide Dental Hospital for...
Dr Sharon AC Liberali
BDS (Adel), DClinDent (Special Needs) (Adel), FICD, FPFA, FRACDS (Special Needs)Sharon Liberali completed her undergraduate dental degree at the University of Adelaide in 1986 and was awarded a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Special Needs Dentistry at the University of Adelai...