Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
This event has concluded
From: 4:30 PM
Wednesday, 13 February, 2013
To: 9:00 PM
Wednesday, 13 February, 2013
Event Details...
The intended audience for this event includes:
- Discuss the reasons behind the National harmonisation
- Nationally uniform work health and safety laws, what does this mean in business
- Promote National Workplace Health and Safety harmonisation program
- Identify significant changes within the legislation
- New terms and definitions
- Discuss enforcement and mandatory due diligence
- Understanding the need for WHS management
- Defining PCBU's (Persons conducting Business or undertakings)
- Defining Officers
- Change in penalties self-directed program
- Business review - gap analysis 5 years on
- Gaining worker buy in acceptance of workplace strategies
- Raise awareness to specific industry hazards - what controls are in place?
- Significant changes within the program
- What have we learned - what progress has the Association & its members made?