Dental Events In AUSTRALIA commencing  Friday, 10 January, 2025

Venue Profile

Adelaide Convention Centre

North Terrace
Adelaide SA 5000

  • +61-882124099
  • +61-882125101
Contact Novotel Melbourne on Collins

About Adelaide Convention Centre

Your next event must be better than your last. Choose a location that will excite your delegates and a venue with the experience and in-house resources that ensure peace of mind.

The multi-award winning Adelaide Convention Centre enjoys a global reputation for excellence and is consistently ranked among the world's top convention centres. Our reputation is second to none and is founded on superior product, world-class facilities, and constant maintenance of already exceptional standards.

Furthermore, our staff are dedicated and meticulous in planning to ensure every event held at the Centre reaches your high expectations.

Our very high rate of repeat business is proof that our clients' expectations have been met or exceeded. This exceptional level of satisfaction is reflected in the fact that the Centre has achieved $1 billion in economic benefit to the State of South Australia since its opening in 1987.

Image Gallery

  • Adelaide Convention Centre feature image