Dental Events In NEW ZEALAND commencing  Saturday, 1 March, 2025

Venue Profile

Goldie Estate

18 Causeway Road
Waiheke Island 1081

  • +64-9-923-8088
Contact Novotel Melbourne on Collins

About Goldie Estate

Goldie Estate is the name of our boutique vineyard and winery, nestled amongst 30 acres of native bush and rolling vineyards on Waiheke Island overlooking Putiki By. It’s here that we create handcrafted wines full of character that draw on the knowledge and experience of Kim and Jeanette Goldwater, who founded winegrowing on Waiheke in 1978.

Our commercial team, led by Heinrich Storm, continue their philosophy of nurturing and continually improving our established vineyards. Our Waiheke vineyard produces Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Syrah, Chardonnay and Viognier varieties.

The Estate is also home to the University of Auckland’s Wine Science Centre, which aims to continue the innovative spirit of the Goldwater family. The programme provides a unique learning experience for the students to be immersed in a fully operational winery.

Image Gallery

  • Goldie Estate feature image