Dental Events In AUSTRALIA commencing  Wednesday, 19 March, 2025

Organiser Profile

Centaur Software Development

Suite 502
410 Elizabeth Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010

  • (02) 9213-5000
  • 1300-855-966
  • (02) 9213-5020
Contact Novotel Melbourne on Collins

About Centaur Software Development

Centaur Software Development Co. is a leading Australian provider of practice management software products and services to dental and allied health practitioners. Initially designed by Sydney Dentist Dr Frank Papadopoulos, it was established in 1992 with the aim to create practice management software products - Dental 4 Windows SQL & Practice Studio which have over the years, evolved into the most popular and the best-selling practice management system in the industry.

The system is based on the principles of a robust and powerful central database and offers a unique and dynamic solution that can grow with the needs of your clinic into full practice integration. It was specifically designed to keep your practice at the leading edge of practice management technology and links effortlessly intelligent appointment scheduling and comprehensive practice management with complete clinical function.

Centaur Software Development Co. have invested significant resources in the systems, facilities and personnel required to provide outstanding service to its customers, assisting them in achieving maximum value from their investment in IT. The products success is due largely to the invaluable feedback from customers combined with the teams continuing commitment to provide them with the highest quality products and services to enhance their business success.

Our products and services include software and related hardware, ongoing training and support, and supply of other related imaging and photography products. Both systems are designed to increase the quality and reduce the cost of providing care by allowing doctors and allied health professionals to manage their practices more efficiently and reduce the administrative burdens created by an increasingly complex general health care environment.

Image Gallery

  • Centaur Software Development feature image 1
  • Centaur Software Development feature image 2