Dental Events In AUSTRALIA commencing  Tuesday, 18 March, 2025

Organiser Profile

Malo Education

PO Box 2239
Chermside QLD 4032

  • 1300-100-600

About Malo Education

MALO Education offers training programs for dental professionals – dentists, lab technicians, oral hygienists and dental nurses in Australia and New Zealand. Our courses focus on the latest developments in concepts, technologies and products in oral rehabilitation with dental implants.

At MALO Education, participants will follow real cases from the clinic’s daily work and a variety of clinical situations that reflect real life in a dental practice.

This kind of research is complicated and it needs your full concentration and requires deep knowledge and great diligence. It has its own peculiarities, methods, difficulties of the preparation process and rules of presentation. Coping and pasting from different sources of information will not do the job in this case. And doing a lousy job can ruin your future career. Buy essay papers is a real art, and it demands practice and experience, as well as writing skills and talent. Knowledge of the topic and subject of your research is not the only component of successful dissertation.

MALO Education & Next SmileTM All-on-4® Centre is always at the forefront etc, with emphasis on the rehabilitation of total edentulous patients.

1 Upcoming event...

September 03 2026

More Info


7.00 CPD Hours

Embracing the Digital Revolution in Implant Dentistry with the All-on-...

Mr Peter A Kerfoot, Dr Larry N Benge

Melbourne, AUSTRALIA | Malo Dental Education Pty Ltd