Dental Events In AUSTRALIA commencing  Tuesday, 18 March, 2025

Organiser Profile

The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

Level 13
37 York Street
Sydney NSW 2000

  • (02) 9262-6044
  • (02) 9262-1974
Contact Novotel Melbourne on Collins

About The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons

The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (RACDS) is a postgraduate education body established primarily to improve the knowledge and skills of dental practitioners. Recognising the professional responsibility of dentists to the community and the advantages of postgraduate study at an appropriate level as an aid to the better fulfilment of this responsibility, the College was established to encourage this activity within the profession. This objective is promoted through the conduct of the Primary and final Examinations, General and Special Field Streams, MRACDS program in General Dental Practice and the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery training program which is accredited by the Australian Medical Council, Australian Dental Council, Medical Council of New Zealand and Dental Council of New Zealand.