Evidence and Trends for Patient-Centred Solutions: The Challenge of Choice
Singapore, SINGAPORE
From: 9:00 AM Wednesday, 1 September, 2021
To: 5:00 PM Friday, 3 September, 2021

The intended audience for this event includes:
Note: ITI World Symposium 2020 was originally scheduled for May 14-16, 2020, however, due to concerns related to the current Covid-19 virus outbreak, it has been rescheduled to September 1-3, 2021.
Get ready for the ITI World Symposium 2020 in Singapore! For the first time ever, the ITI is taking its flagship event to Asia. By choosing Singapore, we wanted to highlight the increasing importance of this region to our organization. We think that everyone will enjoy Singapore, not just as a congress city but also a great destination for some time off to relax.
The way we practice implant dentistry is driven by evidence-based technological and medical innovation, but an equally important aspect of treatment planning is the patient with his or her individual needs and life situation. For the upcoming World Symposium, we have decided to address this aspect head-on with the theme: Evidence & Trends for Patient-Centered Solutions: The Challenge of Choice. An outstanding faculty is taking up this challenge to deliver presentations that discuss the latest trends in implant dentistry through the filter of the patient experience.
You can look forward to lively and informative presentations that will be translated into at least 9 languages, more than 60 top international speakers along with expert moderators, fabulous congress architecture and a stimulating ambiance to take you through a packed three-day event.
2020 is an important year for us for another reason – the ITI will be turning 40 and we intend to celebrate this anniversary not only during the year but also at the World Symposium.
It goes without saying that Singapore itself deserves a little time before or after the World Symposium. Singapore is a fast-moving ever-developing city state that reinvents itself on a regular basis. From nature reserves and rainforests to art, architecture and food, visitors are spoilt for choice and you will need to plan your time while on the main island.