60 Years! Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA
This event has concluded

From: 8:30 AM
Wednesday, 26 June, 2013
To: 5:00 PM
Thursday, 27 June, 2013
Event Details...
The intended audience for this event includes:
Our congress theme “60 Years! Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” refers to the definition of osseointegration in 1952 by Prof. PI Branemark. Since that time the science behind osseointegration has been well researched and scientific evidence has lead dental implants to be a very predictable and successful treatment option to restore edentulous spaces . With continuing research to improve the success, both surgically and prosthetically, the products we use have changed and improved over the years. This leaves us in a situation today, where we need to deal with dental implants that were placed several years ago, successfully osseointegrated, but less ideally situated for a perfect restoration, or diseased with peri-implantitis. It also leaves us with challenges with new technologies emerging which will not only change the treatment with dental implants, but will change the complete face of dental practice tomorrow.
Our two International speakers, both from the USA, fit perfectly into our scenario. Steve Eckert from Rochester, Minnesota, is a Prosthodontist, amongst other also editor and chief of the JOMI. He is a practical practitioner but also the perfect person to critically analyze the science of the past and predict the road forwards. Anthony Sclar is a Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgeon from Miami Florida, where he is in daily practice and runs the Sclar Centre, where comprehensive education is provided in implant dentistry. He has a specific interest in tissue engineering and treatment protocols for implant complications and peri-implantitis. Both have numerous scientific publications and are actively involved in education. The case and poster presentation is aimed at our own practitioners and young academics to showcase their experiences and achievements. This will be an ideal platform to share experiences and learn form each other. Please make an effort to become actively involved in our Congress and submit your special case for acceptance. If accepted, you will be part of the program and will have free entry to the Congress. You will also stand a chance of winning a sponsored air ticket, hotel accommodation and free entry to the ITI International Symposium in Geneva, April 2014.
This is certainly set out to be an exciting meeting, so make sure that you register early and mark this on your calendar and appointment book.
Dr. Gerrit Wyma
ITI Section Chairman, Southern Africa
Dr. Paul van Zyl
ITI Education Delegate, Southern Africa
Speakers at this event...

Dr Steve E Eckert
Dr. Eckert is a graduate of the Ohio State University College of Dentistry. Following dental school he completed a General Practice Residency at Mount Sinai Medical Center of Chicago. He was certified...
Event Organiser...
ITI International Team for Implantology
Peter Merian-Strasse 88Basel 4052
SWITZERLAND Phone: +41-61-270-83-83
Speakers at this event...

Dr Steve E Eckert
Dr. Eckert is a graduate of the Ohio State University College of Dentistry. Following dental school he completed a General Practice Residency at Mount Sinai Medical Center of Chicago. He was certified...