Dr Ambrose K Chan
BDS, MDSc, Dip.Clin.Dent
General Dentist
Presented by Dr Ambrose Chan BDS Hon (Uni.Syd); G Dip Clin Dent (Uni. Syd); MScDent (Uni. Syd); FRACDS; FICD, Australian Association for Laser Dentistry
Dr Chan has been in general dental practice that incorporates laser technology for PhotoBiomodulation (PBM) over 30 years. His MScDent from the University of Sydney was for a Master Thesis on “Laser Dentistry”. He has been recently conferred as Fellow of the International College of Dentists in recognition of his significant contributions to laser dentistry in the Asia Pacific including scientific publications and numerous presentations internationally.
Besides, operating an established dental practice and research, he teaches and lectures at national and international meetings with a leadership role, as the Chairman for Asia Pacific of World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) as well as organising dental laser and PBM meetings.
He is currently Honorary Research Affiliate within the Brain Mind Research Centre, University of Sydney; Representative of Australian Dental Association in the Standards Australia Laser Committee and Peer-reviewer for the Journal Lasers in Medical Science and Laser Therapy.
Professional Biography
Presented by Dr Ambrose Chan BDS Hon (Uni.Syd); G Dip Clin Dent (Uni. Syd); MScDent (Uni. Syd); FRACDS; FICD, Australian Association for Laser Dentistry
Dr Chan has been in general dental practice that incorporates laser technology for PhotoBiomodulation (PBM) over 30 years. His MScDent from the University of Sydney was for a Master Thesis on “Laser Dentistry”. He has been recently conferred as Fellow of the International College of Dentists in recognition of his significant contributions to laser dentistry in the Asia Pacific including scientific publications and numerous presentations internationally.
Besides, operating an established dental practice and research, he teaches and lectures at national and international meetings with a leadership role, as the Chairman for Asia Pacific of World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) as well as organising dental laser and PBM meetings.
He is currently Honorary Research Affiliate within the Brain Mind Research Centre, University of Sydney; Representative of Australian Dental Association in the Standards Australia Laser Committee and Peer-reviewer for the Journal Lasers in Medical Science and Laser Therapy.
Dental Events In commencing Tuesday, 18 March, 2025