Dr Andrew M Brostek
BSc (Monash), BDSc (WA), FICD
General Dentist
Dr Andrew Brostek has been in private dental practice for over 30 years and is a Senior Clinical Lecturer at OHCWA University of Western Australia. He has lectured to dentists and at universities in over 14 countries in his areas of interest, Minimal Intervention Dentistry, Dental Lasers and also Tooth whitening. Publications include - Brostek, A.M, (2004): Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry Journal. Brostek A.M, Bochenek A.J, Walsh L.J. (2006): Shanghai Journal of Stomatology. Walsh LJ, Brostek A.M, Minimal Intervention Dentistry: Principles and Objectives (April 2013): ADJ. And is a listed contributor to the second edition of ‘Preservation and Restoration of Tooth Stucture’ by Graham J. Mount and W.R. Hume, 2nd edition, Knowledge Books.
Professional Biography
Dr Andrew Brostek has been in private dental practice for over 30 years and is a Senior Clinical Lecturer at OHCWA University of Western Australia. He has lectured to dentists and at universities in over 14 countries in his areas of interest, Minimal Intervention Dentistry, Dental Lasers and also Tooth whitening. Publications include - Brostek, A.M, (2004): Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry Journal. Brostek A.M, Bochenek A.J, Walsh L.J. (2006): Shanghai Journal of Stomatology. Walsh LJ, Brostek A.M, Minimal Intervention Dentistry: Principles and Objectives (April 2013): ADJ. And is a listed contributor to the second edition of ‘Preservation and Restoration of Tooth Stucture’ by Graham J. Mount and W.R. Hume, 2nd edition, Knowledge Books.
Dental Events In commencing Thursday, 20 March, 2025