Dental Events In commencing  Tuesday, 18 March, 2025

Dr Geoffrey M Knight


Dr Geoffrey M Knight

BDSc (Melb), LDS, MSc (London), MBA, FICD, FADI, PhD

General Dentist

Geoff Knight is a general dentist and internationally noted dental speaker with special interests in Minimal Intervention Aesthetic Dentistry. He has pioneered a number of innovative clinical procedures in aesthetic dentistry and the pharmacological management of caries and is named on several patents. He has consulted widely across the dental industry and currently works with SDI and PDS. Geoff has been published in Quintessence International and the Australian Dental Journal and Journal of Periodontal research. He has produced a series of clinical technique videos and written over 100 articles on aesthetic and adhesive dentistry, many of which have been translated into a number of languages and published internationally.

Video Gallery

Professional Biography