Dental Events In commencing  Monday, 10 February, 2025

Dr Rahena  Akhter


Dr Rahena Akhter


General Dentist

Dr Rahena Akhter is a Senior Lecturer and Discipline Head of Cariology unit at the Faculty of Dentistry, the University of Sydney. Dr. Rahena graduated with a BDS (Hons) in 2000. 2001-2002 Lecturer, Bangladesh Dental College, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2003-2007, PhD, received Japan Government Monbusho scholarship, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. 2007-2009 Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Dentistry, Okayama University, Okayama Japan. 2009-2012, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Jaw Function and Orofacial Pain Research Unit at the Faculty of Dentistry, the University of Sydney, Australia. 2012-2015, Lecturer, School of Dentistry and Health Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Orange NSW.

Dr Akhter published 80 peer-reviewed (28 journal articles and 52 conference proceedings) articles in high impact leading journals in Dentistry. Currently, her total H index is 14 and total citation 515 with a total impact factor 55.26. Among all publications, she published six ERA "A*" ranked and ten ERA "A" ranked published articles (according to ISI Journal Citation Reports). Dr Akhter presented more than 45 national and international conferences and also invited as a symposium speaker and Panel discussion member in several countries (e.g., Korea, Japan, Spain, USA, Australia etc). She achieved several competitive "research grants" in Australia (ADRF, 2014-2015), International Program Development Fund (IPDF), 2012-2014), USYD fellowship grant, 2009-2012 and Japan (Wakate B, Young Investigator Research Grant 2009, Start-up, 2008, UNESCO Japan Funds-in-Trust, 2007) etc. She has supervised several PhD, MPhil, postgrad and undergrad Honors student. Dr. Akhter achieved several "competitive awards" in the field of Dentistry, one of them was "Joseph Lister Award 2015" in IADR Boston, Massachusetts USA, "Young Investigator Neuroscience Research Award" in IADR, San Diego USA in 2011, 2nd Asian Academy of Temporomandibular Disorder Best Research Award in Hiroshima, Japan in July 2011 and "Research in Prevention Travel Award" in Baltimore IADR 2005. In 2015, she had been awarded Faculty and Division Research Excellence at CSU. She had been a successful international collaborator and currently continuing several research projects with several countries (e.g., Denmark, Australia, Netherland, Switzerland, Japan, Indonesia and Bangladesh etc). She was a "Secretary" in the Western Division branch of the Australian Dental Association (ADA) from 2014-2015. She had been the active member of various international societies (e.g., IADR, IASP, APS, AAPD, ANZAOP etc) and editorial board member and reviewer for several high impact international journals.

Professional Biography