Dental Events In commencing  Tuesday, 4 March, 2025

Mr Tan M Nguyen


Mr Tan M Nguyen

BOralHlth, GCertDenThrpy, MPH (Melb), MSc (Clin Ed) (Edin), MCHSM, FHEA, FRSPH

Oral Health Therapist

Tan began his career as an oral health therapist at Plenty Valley Community Health after graduating from The University of Melbourne. He currently teaches at the Melbourne Dental School, is an Honorary Fellow with the Oral Health Research Stream, Deakin University, and works clinically in both the private and public dental sectors. He holds qualifications with the Master of Public Health, and the Master of Science in Clinical Education, and is the current President of the Australian Dental and Oral Health Therapists' Association. His research interests include economic evaluation of health services research, particularly in relation to models of primary care.

Professional Biography