Dental Events In commencing  Wednesday, 5 March, 2025

Ms Soon Lay Yong


Ms Soon Lay Yong


Dental Hygienist

Soon Lay Yong, RDH, MS, DH/OHT is a Senior Lecturer teaching Dental Hygiene at Nanyang Polytechnic. Lay Yong received her Dental Hygiene education and training in Washington USA. She earned her Associate of Applied Science degrees in Dental Assisting and Dental Hygiene (Magna Cum Laude) from Lake Washington Institute of Technology. Prior to that, she already earned a degree in Business Administration, with distinction and Cum Laude, from the University of Washington (UW). After obtaining her RDH license with expanded functions, she was privileged to work for one the most progressive family practices in Seattle, and also treated special needs patients at the Dental Education in the Care of Persons with Disabilities (DECOD) Clinic at UW.

Lay Yong completed her Masters of Science degree in Oral Biology at UW, and became a first-year lead instructor at Clark College where she had taught Dental Hygiene practices, Periodontology, Local anesthesia, and Radiographic interpretations. She received the Life Long Learning Grant by WSDHA, and also presented at the ADHA’s Center for Lifelong Learning 87th Annual Session in Las Vegas. Lay Yong is a member of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA), Washington State Dental Hygienists’ Association (WSDHA) and Singapore Dental Association. Besides teaching, she practices part-time at Expat Dental.

Professional Biography