Dental Events In commencing  Saturday, 1 March, 2025

Prof. Christoph  Hämmerle


Prof. Christoph Hämmerle

Prof. Dr. med. dent.


Christoph Hammerle is Prof. Dr. med. dent. at the Clinic of Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics and Dental Material Science, University of Zurich. His main scientific interests encompass biological and prosthetic aspects of fixed reconstructions on teeth and implants as part of the overall reconstructive treatment concept. His focus is on the comprehensive treatment of complex, partially edentulous patients also including high esthetic demands. Specific fields of research under this general topic include biology and regeneration of soft and hard tissues, tissue integration of dental implants, biomaterial-tissue interfaces, technological developments in material science, biomaterial performance and digital computer technologies, and behavioral aspects in education and in delivering of patient care.

Professional Biography