Dental Events In commencing  Wednesday, 19 March, 2025

Prof. Dong-Seok  Sohn


Prof. Dong-Seok Sohn

Professor and Chairman, Department of Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Medicine, Catholic University of Dae gu, Republic of Koreau, Republic of Korea


Prof. Dong-Seok Sohn has introduced various piezoelectric bone surgery devices in Asia and Pacific area since 2002 and inventor of HPISE. He has been invited for lectures on implantolgy and piezoelectric bone surgery nationally and internationally for many years. He published many articles and books on implantolgy and piezoelectric bone surgery in peer reviewed national and international journals. He is Recipient of Charles English Award by Implant Dentistry which flagship journal of ICOI. He is Past President of ICOI Asia-pacific section and founding President of ICOI Korea (Korean Society of Oral Implantologists).

 He is Senior Editorial Member of Implant Dentistry which is flagship journal of ICOI and editorial advisory board of the Journal of Implant and Advanced Clinical Dentistry & International Journal of Oral Implantology and Clinical Research. He was a congress chair of 9th Congress of ICOI Asia Pacific Section and Co congress chair of 28th ICOI World Congress (Sep. 6-9, 2011) and 2012 World Congress of Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Bone Surgery (Sep 18-20, 2012).

Professional Biography